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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Fez, do you download songs or do you burn from CD's? I'm trying to find a good sight to download from without spyware but can't find anyplace. I have tried Kazaa since that's what everyone says but it never works.
  2. Randy is wearing number 41. I'm glad that he didn't get Bernie's 51. Is speaking candidly about his run in with the photographer yesterday and apologized. Randy seems like a very good guy. Let's hope his pitching stays as strong as it's been.
  3. You can watch it live on MLB.com if you're at work.
  4. Been to Australia.......TWICE!!
  5. What ever happened to Boston Public? Did they cancel that show? That was a good one. Jeri Ryan...mmmmm....
  6. Don't waste your money. You can go to Food Networks website and download all her recipes from the show. They are very easy to follow and make.
  7. 1. CSI, I don't like the spin offs though. 2. Lost, addicted to this one. 3. Extreme makeover: Home Addition. Love the feel good story stuff. 4. Everybody Loves Raymond, funny show all the way around. 5. 30 minute meals with Rachel Ray. I actually watch a lot of Food TV because I like to cook.
  8. Sometimes military has it's perks. The tickets were free. I'm not sure exactly where they are but they're supposed to be pretty good seats.
  9. Dude it was but gusting funny. Before that he was moaning in his bed after he was carried there by Peter Brady. He was so wasted and the look on his face was priceless. You can see the clip on VH1's website. Funny, funny stuff.... Oh and I saw some of the Chyna, XPac tape too. Let's just say that the steroids made a certain other part of her anatomy grow too....
  10. Very well put. Let them battle it out next year at camp....
  11. I'm going. Just have to work out the carpooling arrangements now. Any suggestions on a good hotel close to the stadium??
  12. Chyna is a skank. Enough about that. Peter Brady is actually pretty cool. The female model is hot. The Go Go chick is still pretty hot too. Da Brat is a spoiled little beyatch.... and Mini me pissing in the corner after cruising around naked and drunk as hell on his scooter was funny as hell!!
  13. I would LOVE to come face to face with this !@#$. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. I'll definitely let you guys know how it went. Might be exciting to watch Vick play so it will be worth it.
  15. Now there's a thought. Now, how to get the wife to stay home...
  16. I'll spend the night. It's a long weekend so I can take my time. I know the fan base there kind of sucks but I'm hoping that the playoffs will juice it up a little bit. Screw it, I'm going. I'm wearing all my McGahee jersey and Bills hat too. What the hell.
  17. My XO (exectutive officer) scored 10 tickets to the Falcons / Rams game this weekend. It's about an 8 hour drive but I don't have to pay for the ticket. I really don't like either team but it would be cool to go to Atlanta and soak up some playoff atmosphere. Would you go?
  18. I understand completely what you're saying. It wasn't meant to be that way. The only reason I worded it the way I did was because of his post game interview. He talked of walking away with a bad taste in his mouth due to that performance.
  19. We'll probably be going at the same time then. I'm not leaving until August. Going to Camp Taqqadum..... What unit are you coming to?
  20. Just giving you sh--.
  21. I get off at noon on Friday and have a formation at 1800 (6 pm) on Monday afternoon.
  22. Semper Fi. Good luck and I'll be there soon to see you...
  23. BF I have to ask. You're avatars aren't hero's of yours are they? I mean, that's your choice but Unger was a Coke addict that died because of his penchant for drugs. You're previous one was of a man nicknamed "dimebag". "Hi, my name is BF and I love drug addicts."
  24. I don't know. I guess it's up to how he feels. I just know that someone of his competitve nature would find it hard to go out like that. He seemed very vulnerable this year though.
  25. Compare all you want but Jeter is worth every penny he's paid. This man has ALL the intangibles you need in a super star. He's playing the most important position on the field defensively and has handled all the pressure with ease. He's the perfect role model for class, sportsmanship, and ability and someone that anybody could see is a great ambassador of baseball. He always plays hard, always hustles and always works to improve himself. He has a knack to be in the right place at the right time and always make the key play. There is a ton more to being a great player than numbers alone.
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