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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Welcome to the board too. Forgot to say that before.
  2. Those are a B word aren't they? They're all over NC. I spray my yard every month to keep them away.
  3. Those look great. Send them on and see what happens.
  4. Brother and sister or not, I'd do Shannon.... Great episode. Hurley kills me. He seemed to be getting a little more agitated last night then in previous episodes.
  5. Steve doesn't work in it, he just support's it....
  6. Did I ever say which American charities I donate to? No. Have you ever taken a look at the percentages of donations actually go to the charity? In many instances upwards of 25 to 50% is eaten up in advertising. That's the real crime. You continue to take statements and twist them to fit your need. What are you a lawyer or politician?
  7. There's a concept.... Hey SDS, maybe we can get this added to the rules??
  8. Big deal, he got fired from his counter job at the mini mart.... Bring his ass here to Camp Lejeune and let us deal with his ignorance.
  9. Again, that's not what he said. Are you saying there aren't starving kids in America? Get your head out of your ass and get with reality. It seems that Americans are busting at the seams to help the tsunami victims but every day there are people here that need help too. I donate a ton of money every year but don't let it go outside the US. Just my opinion and who I help. I have given donations to tsunami victims but EVERY year my donations go to help Americans. Making general assumtions about someone is just wrong.
  10. Cool picture....
  11. I didn't take his post that way. I say he has a point. We have a lot of "situations" in the states that we tend to overlook.
  12. PMOY I still say Garcia is gay and is covering but what a way to hide it...
  13. Maybe I should add his name to my quote.
  14. I say if he's cleared to play and CHOOSES not to then fine him. It's pretty pathetic that he stands on the sidelines and collects a playoff game check while able to play but choosing not to. His statements are probably going to hurt his free agency status. Who wants to sign a selfish player like that?
  15. I guess the truth hurts...
  16. Yeah! How the hell do you eliminate Buffalo from hockey? First basketball now hockey? What's next? Chicken wings??? Aaaaauuughhh.....
  17. I guess I'm just getting a little bitter to the fact that we are so badly thought of all over the world and we're always leading the way to help. I don't need any Iraq war comments here but our country helps so many and it's never appreciated. Sometimes I just want to say f-it and let them all fend for themselves and we'll worry about only ourselves.
  18. Whatever dude. Sounds like you have the "bag carrying" thing going for you. T-bagging maybe?
  19. Thanks AD. Obviously it doesn't do a hell of a lot of good to read the whole article if you don't have any clue what you're reading about. IDIOT!
  20. Marines scale back We are offering aid and help and the Indonesian government doesn't want us in their country, even if for relief and aid purposes. Good looking out. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  21. Matsui of the Yanks gave nearly half a million..... Personally I think any donation is commendable.
  22. Me either. I look forward to it because he seems to be all business. I hope he stays healthy. And to Clements22.... sorry for the RJ abbreviation.
  23. Yeah. It was all pretty funny. He was good natured about it all overall though.
  24. Can you exercise with this? I'm looking for one that can handle how much I sweat when I pt if it's strapped to my arm.
  25. The press conference was actually pretty funny. After he apologized he got ribbed a little and did a little ribbing back. Everyone that knew RJ said that the incident didn't reflect the real RJ. I think he was a little caught offguard by NY media. They are a different animal than anywhere else he's been.
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