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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. You might end up on motormouth on VH1....
  2. 35/male.... Three years away from my first retirement!! Woo hoo!!
  3. How do you spell superbowl? B-U-F-F-A-L-O!! God how I miss chanting that.
  4. BillsFanNC, you're pretty close to me. We could've gotten together to see a couple games this year. Where did you watch them? I'm always looking for fellow Bills fans here.
  5. How'd you get those? Did you download them from somewhere?
  6. That's hilarious. It was just as funny when Simon called them fat.....haha
  7. Wouldn't it piss all of us off royally if there is no place the show is going and that these are all just random shows? All the reading into every second of every episode and thoughts and theories were all just the whim of the writers at the time. I know this isn't the case but thought it was funny.
  8. Yeah. I thought it was interesting too that the Doctor noticed the "birthmark" on her iris.
  9. Personally, I'd like to see Pittsburgh and Atlanta. I like McNabb but can't stand T.O.
  10. What did you think of the episode last night? I thought it was pretty good. A little confusing but that's to be expected in the first few episodes. I like this genre of show. The dream was pretty cool. (kill me)
  11. Cool thanks.....
  12. Somebody.... Anybody...... Can someone please tell me what happened with Claire at the end? Is she back now? I missed the last 15 minutes....
  13. How did they show Claire come back? My wife was taping it for me and of course cut off the last 15 minutes. What happened with that???
  14. Thanks everybody. I guess I just assumed that shows on ESPN HIDEF were all in HIDEF. Makes sense though. TIme Warner just added the channel this month.
  15. Why is it when I watch some programming in HD, (ESPN) for example, sometimes there are bars on the side that say HD in them and some shows take the full screen from right to left? I hit the aspect button to take away the bars on top and bottom but it stretches the people and they look funny. My tv isn't a widescreen, it's the typical shape. It's just weird that some shows will play full screen, some with bars on top and bottom and some with bars on left and right. Anybody?
  16. I want some snow too! I want some!!!!
  17. Yeah, Braxton's cousin, they guy with the longest note, and the girl at the end were probably the funniest to me. The one they started out with trying to sing the national anthem though was pretty good to. The looks on the judges faces are classic. They try to hold their laughter in sometimes but can't. It's funny.
  18. Yet another awesome sitcom calling it quits. This is a very, very funny show. Sucks.
  19. Yeah, you could see that coming. I just can't for the life of me understand why some of them cry after their bashings... Do they really think they're good? "Well all my friends said I have a great voice"... Yeah right.
  20. I thought it was pretty funny. I like the first few weeks when they're weeding out the extremely bad ones. That little girly boy (Toni Braxton's cousin) was hilarious. What a putz....
  21. They released the DVD today..... 1st season I believe.
  22. Kiss Alive II
  23. TH for Jason Taylor straight up....
  24. Haven't seen them yet. I too want to see White Noise. I don't usually pay much attention to what critics say. I like to judge for myself. I saw "Meet the Fockers" and "Coach Carter" this weekend. IMHO Meet the Fockers wasn't very good. Very few laughs and not nearly as funny as the first. Coach Carter is a must see. I thought that this movie was very well put together and had a great young cast. The movie showed all the ups and downs without dragging any particular story line out too long. VERY GOOD movie that I would HIGHLY recommend.
  25. Did you get my PM? If not let me know. My computer kindof wacked out for a minute.
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