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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Lighten up threadkiller. It's just in fun.... and some of them are not only funny but also about the Bills....
  2. Those Google guys are going to be the next Bill Gates.....
  3. But that's only because they use a new wrapper for each and every sandwich.
  4. All humans also start out with only female genetalia. Males genetalia develop later. Maybe some of their minds don't develop into males.
  5. Natalie Portman = Yummy!!
  6. Damn LA, only two away from the magical 10,000!! Maybe you can start a thread about it.
  7. Anybody got any suggestions? I want to see Boogeyman. I watched Ray the other day on DVD. Excellent movie.
  8. Actually priding myself on being somewhat of a porn historian, it WAS Ron Jeremy that used to enjoy himself. (back in the skinny days of course.) And yes, you need to hit up the wings. I may be down there soon. If I come down before I head to Iraq we'll have to get together for many wings and many beers.
  9. Wishing yourself a happy birthday? You must be related to Ron Jeremy because you're good at "tooting your own horn".... J/K.... Happy Birthday....
  10. The funny thing is that a blue helmet could be interesting if done right.
  11. Damn, that Sin City looks good. She's hot. I liked her in Idle Hands too at the end when she had her little t shirt and undies on. Mmmmm.... There are a bunch of good movies coming out. I want to see Constantine. Has anybody seen Boogeyman yet? I heard it was pretty good.
  12. Did somebody leave the door to the asylum open again?
  13. I've had a 50 dollar one from Circuit City that I've used for three years with my laptop driving 12 hours to NY. I have never once had any problem with it. I like to use my laptop because it's a big screen for my kids in the back seat. I would give it a positive endorsement.
  14. You can get them here.
  15. haha... A little defensive are we? Could it be that you know I speak the truth? We'll see this year. haha... I love how Boston fans are so angry. Even after holding two of the major sports championships they are still such angry folks. Like I said earlier, enjoy this year ma$$hole!
  16. Did you guys see the link provided with the commercials that weren't shown? There was a bud light one where the guy opens a bottle on Janet's wardrobe and tries to tape it up before the show. It's hilarious. Nothing wrong with the commercial itself and I thought it should've been shown. It just kind of made fun of all the "controversy". Classic. Check it out if you can.
  17. Are you for real? hahahahahahahaha
  18. Well the Red Sox fans need a little more than one world series every 86 years before they have any right to be smug, arrogant a$$holes like us Yankee fans.
  19. I agree with you 100% TO showed nothing but heart last night and he played a hell of a game. He may be arrogant at times but he brings personality to that team.
  20. In the immortal words of Public Enemies Flavor Flav...."Don't believe the hype" The red sox were a fluke last year and they will not be able to hang with the Yankees this year. I'll give you the Patriots though. They are a juggernaught right now. We'll see how they react to losing all their coordinators though. That'll be interesting.
  21. Something tells me that you won't be so happy this time next year when neither the Red Sox or the Patriots are champions of anything. Enjoy it.
  22. McNabb looked absolutely horrible all night but I'd take him in Buffalo in a heartbeat.
  23. I'm with you. I did like the commercial with the hot chick around all the old geezers, and the chick in the tabasco bikini was hot. Oh and the "don't judge too soon" or whatever commercials were funny. (the one where the guy got pepper sprayed and tazed in the mini mart) But overall I was bored all night with all that went on.
  24. I love Buffalo Wild Wings. I wish they'd put one in Jacksonville, NC. I hate driving over an hour to Wilmington to go there to eat. It makes a nice trip every once in a while but if I want wings quick I'm stuck with Hooter's or Applebees. (Unless I make them myself.) Buffalo Wild Wings is a cool place though.
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