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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. If it is true and they catch him then they can put him right behind the P.O.S. from Texas that killed his pregnant girlfriend and seven year old little boy. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. If you think that cheating doesn't go on in EVERY sport then you, sir, need to pull your perverbial head out of your arse. I don't think it's right to use steroids but I also don't think that it's only baseball and only a handfull of players identified by the idiot Consceco (sp?) that has cheated at a sport. It happens, and everybody knows it. That's why it's never brought up until something "leaks"... Baseball has a tougher policy now so let's stop beating a dead horse and move on. Notice that Bonds and Giambi don't have rings? As much as it sickens me to agree with anything that Bonds says, I think we should just move on. His records will be scarred forever already.
  3. Samoans are my favorite too. They're like Lays though. I can't eat just one. (unless it's one box)
  4. Reggie Roby did though. Roby dies...
  5. I was 10 years old and cried like a baby. I remember it to this day. I don't think I've ever been so excited because of a sporting event in my life. I'll have to watch Miracle tonight!
  6. It's not as bad now that it looks different. I think I would've been a little more creeped out if it had the signature "window eyes" it originally had.
  7. I saw the house in Amityville. I was working on Long Island a couple years ago with an inspection team and a Master Sergeant at the unit took me to see it. It was bought by a Japanese couple who changed the outside appearance of the home so people wouldn't constantly be coming to it. Didn't really work because all of the locals know which house it is. It looks much different but is creepy just the same to see it.
  8. No problem Hawk. It's just that I'm on my work computer which is hooked to a government server. I have to basically sneak onto the board as it is and all the popups to porn will flag the server. I probably overreacted but I went two weeks without being able to get on the board because our servers weren't working and I didn't know how to act. That's pretty bad. What the hell am I going to do when I get to Iraq? I'm sure I'll be a little preoccupied but the board is my outlet.
  9. You can't even put Nixon and Jeter in the same breath. Get real.
  10. That's some funny stevestojan....
  11. How can you offer to answer questions and then go take a nap?
  12. That's interesting because he's still under contract. So if we don't trade him, what's he going to do, sit out?
  13. Anyone know of any legitimate offers for Travis. I haven't been able to get to the board for a few weeks so haven't heard anything. Bledsoe has taken all the media coverage.
  14. Are you for real? Isn't it a little early to call a second year quarterback who has all of a dozen snaps the next Brady? I know some of you are excited about the "JP-Era" but if you think everything will come up roses next year, you are sadly mistaken.
  15. Here are my choices.... Gotta love a showgirl... and.... choice of the guys. I just think he has the best chance to win.
  16. I don't know. I personally thought last nights episode was a little boring.
  17. I find that interesting too. Drew has always been a stand up guy without bitterness. I'm concerned about that statement in that even though Drew won't be here he doesn't feel that JP is anywhere ready to start.
  18. Thanks Drew. If nothing else you brought some excitement back to the Bills. Good luck and God speed.
  19. Actually I wouldn't mind seeing Bettis lining up next to McGahee...
  20. Actually Wards was a probowl visor. My bad.... Bettis did have a Bills one on though.
  21. I saw Jerome Bettis being interviewed earlier this week and he was wearing a Bills visor and just now after the touchdown Hines Ward put on a Bills visor. I know these guys wear all kinds of stuff at the probowl but thought it was interesting that so many Steelers are wearing Bills gear.
  22. Schilling donates sock to hall... Who in the hell wants to go see Schillings bloody sock?
  23. This is unbelievable. There are HUNDREDS of players using steroids. To chastise one who admitted to it is ludicrous. People have been cheating in sports since the dawn of time and I for one applaud him for apologizing and wanting to move on. If you think there are only a few using then you are fools. Do you think there aren't football players getting away with using roids? Then you are an even bigger fool. There are always ways around any and all testing. Get real...
  24. I love that show. I bought the first season on DVD from the Discovery store in Wilmington. I'll be glad for the new episodes...
  25. I thought that was "Any Given Sunday"....
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