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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. They have a kindof Goo Good Dolls sound. www.navar.net has some good clips...
  2. I don't hate them but I'm excited that I just got tickets to go see Velvet Revolver in Raleigh. I like that group a lot. Has anybody on the board heard of NAVAR? My brother manage's them in the Buffalo area. Their first album was produced by the bass player from the Goo Goo Dolls and they're getting ready to release the second. Check them out if you haven't.
  3. Fruit fine Rich actors and actresses.... pathetic. Just pay the fine...
  4. Personally, I like them. All of them to include the red ones look pretty cool to me. And I'm obviously in the minority but I like the away jerseys we currently have better than the home ones.
  5. This gives new meaning to "spanking the monkey"....
  6. Olean, NY/35 (36 next month)/ Jacksonville, NC............
  7. The south beach diet works really well. The first two weeks are really tough but after that you can start to add some things back. The food is good but you have to cook every day. Oh, you eat 5 times a day too....
  8. Sounds like military docs. "Take some Motrin, you'll be alright"...
  9. See what I'm talking about? Let the Zubaz go people!!! That was like 1990 when they were semi-cool.......
  10. Man, I love the Bills and I love my Bills gear but I have to say that someone comes up with some of the ugliest sh*t in Buffalo. I almost cringe sometimes when I see a home game on TV and see what people are wearing. I just prefer to stick to sweatshirts and t-shirts that just say Buffalo Bills or something like that on them. I can't handle all that loud stuff anymore. (not that there's anything wrong with that)
  11. Yeah, Wilmington's a really nice city. (most of it anyway) Ton's of hot chicks there....not that I'm looking hunny!
  12. AA from Campbell University Nearly done with my Bachelor's in Criminal Justice from UNC Wilmington if these damn deployments overseas would quit slowing me down...
  13. Myra died a while back.
  14. Yeah, he wasn't worried enough about the rape charge so he decided to add murder to it. Fuggin moron....
  15. I think this whole defense wins championships statement is getting overrated. Yes you need a strong defense to win a championship but as the Bills proved last year, a great defense isn't all you need.
  16. I'm sure TD has a plan. Just relax. You act like the fate of western ny depends on TD blowing all his money NOW.... Chill out dude and let the brass do their work.
  17. I give 2 or 3 times a year. It's a lot of my brethren in Iraq that need it.
  18. That looks sweet as a wallpaper too. Thanks.....
  19. "Here little boy, you want some candy?"
  20. I chose the Bills for two reasons. 1. That's who I hope wins one first and 2. There's no telling what's happening with hockey.
  21. I heard the phone call is a fake....
  22. Only if they stayed in WNY or if they moved to Jacksonville NC....
  23. Jim Kelly, Shane Conlan runs a close 2.
  24. That does look good. Should be coming out on video right about the time I get back from Iraq...
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