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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. I can never get the damn thing to load. Either at work or home. WTF?
  2. Tarantino says no... Bummer. I think he could've actually brought some quality back to good old Jason Vorhees....
  3. I love LOST but I have to admit that them showing two or three repeats between one or two new episodes is really starting to wear thin on me. I like a show to run the season like it's supposed to. It's starting to piss me off ala The Sopranos on HBO with their year and a half hiatuses. On the bright side I'm getting DVR finally for my Hi Def box today so I can just record everything and watch it later if I want. Oh, and on a side note. Stephene on Survivor is HOT!!!!!! Damn, she's fine...
  4. What I don't understand is if it's no big deal to admit and all these people want to plead the 5th, then why is Conseco requesting immunity? What does he need immunity from if nothing was illegal?
  5. Is there somewhere online where I can order one?? I'd like one of those.
  6. Yeah, I was thinking about that. I kind of wanted a player but I don't want to end up with another authentic Hasek jersey sitting in my closet. $200 down the drain. ( I still wear it once in a while though)
  7. I want to get an authentic Sabres jersey but don't know what player to get. Any suggestions? I want someone who is good and should be with the team for a while. I've been away from hockey for a while so have no idea. Help anyone?
  8. One of my co workers had the EXACT same thing. He had a stoke first and then they discovered a hole in his heart at the hospital. This just happened last summer. He was always a big body builder type weight lifter. He's 40 something and had surgury to repair it. He's back to full strength now lifting as much as ever and running. As a matter of fact, he's in Iraq right now fighting, humping packs and weapons doing great. I know it's not the rigors of professional football but I think Teddy should be able to come back.
  9. Good point. I still think he's overrated. It doesn't take much to flip your hair and play to the crowd. I don't think his voice is all that either. Wait until he has to get into some of the other genre's. Just my opinion but I just don't think he's as good as Randy and Paula cream over him and tell him he is.
  10. Maybe he's used them? J/K 30dive......
  11. I can't stand Anwar's look, with those stupid ass dreads and his lazy eye but he by far has the best voice in the competition.
  12. Damn, now I feel cheap because I thought she looked better than she ever has. I especially liked the low pants....
  13. Yes, every player that improves themselves or has a breakout year or loses weight and gets stronger or is big and muscular is on some sort of steroids. C'mon people. I've lost 15 lbs in the last week and a half and have gained major muscle toneness by eating right and working out daily in my garage. Now what do you think PROFESSIONAL athletes with trainers can do. Look at Brad Pitt in Troy. I suppose he was on steroids too. Give it a rest. The suspicions of everybody is getting rediculous.
  14. I agree. We stayed at the Days Inn with a free shuttle to the parks and back. We only slept there so we saved the extra money for stuff at the park.
  15. I guess I'm the only one that thinks Bo is overrated. He's good but he can only sing really one genre. Constantine was MUCH better last night and I really hope that Mikalah goes this week. Her act is done but she did look VERY HOT last night. If only she never had to talk... Carrie Underwood is my favorite right now. One other comment. Does anybody think that Randy is trying to get HIS personal favorites in? I noticed that he really slammed some people and there were others that I thought were worse and he was all over them. He obviously has the ones he wants to continue. He didn't seem very objective to me.
  16. Vodka and Red Bull, Alabama Slammers, Long Island Ice Teas, Captain Morgan and Coke. These all taste good and will more than get the job done. Especially the middle two...
  17. I forgot about the link thingy... NAVAR Check them out. They're pretty good!
  18. KISS, Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, Foreigner, Eagles, Styx, Mettalica, Iron Maiden, G & R, Van Halen (DLR era only), Def Leppard, Old Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Ozzy, Dio, Twisted Sister, Judas Priest, Velvet Revolver, Goo Goo Dolls, 3 Doors Down, NAVAR (www.navar.net) <--- new upcoming Buffalo band my brother manages.
  19. Oh to only find another Jim Ritcher!
  20. I always thought she was hotter than Beyonce...
  21. Natalie Portman is a BABE!!
  22. She doesn't really need any publicity. She just won her second Oscar!
  23. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  24. It's all about Hair Nation on Sirius radio....
  25. Best wishes and God Bless..
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