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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Good deals on EBAY Here are some good deals on DeMarini's... They are legal in all softball leagues by the official rules. Individual leagues may very....
  2. I just thought it was cool. I was watching 30 minute meals (don't laugh, I watch a lot of the food network) and Rachel Ray yesterday was making a "Buffalo Chicken Sandwich) and she mentioned the Anchor Bar in Buffalo as having originated wings and said they were the best.
  3. DeMarini Doublewall Ok, so it's a little more than 100 but if you shop around you can get them cheaper. I've had my latest one for 4 full seasons now and I average a homer a game so it's durable.
  4. SDS, I still like the DeMarini Double Wall. It's around $100.00 (maybe a little more) but it's a very durable bat in warmer weather and gives you a lot of pop regardless of what core ball is used. Just like golf clubs, the technology gets better but I still go with what works.
  5. Link Hope he gets well. Good newsreporter.
  6. Time Warner has it free until the 10th. I just got the package on MLB.tv I'm watching the game right now at work...shhhh....
  7. Congrats. My greatest fear is something happening to one of my kids.
  8. Yeah, you're right. Brainfart.... we have them sometimes in the military.
  9. Congratulations to Roy Williams and the North Carolina Tar Heels. I only wish Brad Dougherty would've gotten some credit since it was his recruitment that put that team together.
  10. A-Rod was in the 3 spot for a while and wasn't producing. That's why Torre moved him to the 2. Then he started putting up good offensive numbers.
  11. Was he a Yankee then? Ummm.... no.... The point is that with the Yankees there isn't any one particular offensive leader. Anyone in that line up has the same chance of beating anyone on any given night.
  12. How did it go from "leader of our team" to "offensive leader of our team"....? A-Rod is a great offensive player, but that's what's so great about the Yankees. We have the luxury of putting A-Rod at the number 2 spot. He'll probably finish in the 4 spot but we'll see. Matsui is an absolute freak and Sheff cannot be denied. Last night was no indication. You will not see Ruben Sierra in the 4 spot often.
  13. So let me get this straight. The Giants won't win anything because they don't have Barry Bonds (according to many sports writers) and he's 40 something years old. And I'm supposed to be concerned that our starters are in their 30's? I think not. And on to your second point. Am I concerned about the best player in baseball leading our team? Is that a serious question? And he's not the leader anyway. Jeter is the leader of the Yankees and that takes a lot of pressure off of A-Rod. You watch, A-Rod will be much more productive this year.
  14. What does age of our offensive players have to do with anything? Look at the number Sheff put up last year. And he's one of our oldest! Now, we have A-Rod, Matsui, Jeter, Giambi, Posada, yeah, they're over 30 but give me a break. We have the best offensive lineup from leadoff to number 9 out of any team in baseball.
  15. He states that everything he takes is over the counter stuff and he has no idea how he tested positive. Should be interesting to see how this one pans out.
  16. Congratulations to my beloved Yankees for an opening day victory. Let's hope they can repeat it tomorrow night and have a great season. Randy impressed me very much last night with all the pressure of pitching this rivalry in the Bronx on opening night and he sparkled. However, it's one game and I for one, will not get into this debate so early in this season. I can't stand the Red Sox but applaud them for what they did last year. But this is 2005 and 2004 is over so let's see how the year plays out. Good luck Yankees and Go Bills!!
  17. Don't hand him a basketall and it's possible he doesn't even get HIV.
  18. I wouldn't exactly call Terri Shiavo famous. She was made famous by her circumstances but there are a lot of people in the same position without all the media hype.
  19. That doesn't surprise me in Wellsville.
  20. I used it when I was deployed to Africa because I had good connectivity. It worked great even there!
  21. Sorry for your loss. God Bless...
  22. One of the best episodes yet. I can't wait for next weeks. Last night was truly one of the fastest hours on tv.
  23. I was very surprised that Anthony didn't even make the bottom three last night. Those stupid ass pimp shoes he wore the night before should've been enough to get him voted off but his singing sucked too.
  24. I'm sticking to my guns and still thing Bo is way overrated and he's shown that the last few weeks.
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