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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. You want the Heat? Then you better hope Shaq's leg is worse than is being reported. The Heat will dominate the playoffs this year. Shaq proved me wrong this year for sure. I thought he'd be a bust in Miami.
  2. No kidding. I saw some pretty cool artwork made from sand on the beaches in Ocean City, Maryland one year. I thought the exact same thing then. Although those were redone each day by the artist. Those were amazing too.
  3. Good point. The road is paved with good intentions. I, unfortunately feel that dollars signs will be flashed and Nate will jump ship. I hope not but it's probably going to happen.
  4. Could've spelled his name right.
  5. Cool artwork... Just thought this was pretty cool...
  6. NEWS FLASH!! THEY'RE FOOD!!!!!!!! I for one couldn't live on bean sprouts and tofu. Could they find a better way to kill them, probably but.....
  7. God Bless you and your family. I'm sorry for your loss.
  8. That's interesting Fez because I was thinking about that the other day when I was watching the Looney Toons on Cartoon Networks Boomerang. ( I love that station, all the classic cartoons from my childhood) One thing that was interesting to me is that all this violence is blamed on tv and video games. We didn't have these problems when I was growing up and the cartoons were just as bad or worse. Watch Elmer Fudd and how many times he shoots Bugs Bunny or Yosimite Sam. Bullets are always flying and nobody gets hurt. Look at the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote.... I think the violence was very bad then but we were taught right from wrong and the differences between tv and reality. Sorry for the rant but Fez's line made me think of it.
  9. "What are we protecting you from? A wrong cheeseburger?" hahahahahahaha People are un-freaking believable.
  10. I hit a deer and was told it is considered "an act of nature" and had absolutely no effect on my premiums. I only had to pay a 100 dollar deductable and the car looked as good as new. I did get a report and my insurance WAS Geico. Fugg them, I dumped them when I moved because they tried to screw me on home owners insurance.
  11. I definitely didn't think Nikko was the worst but I don't feel sorry for him. He's had a silver spoon in his mouth his whole life so I get the feeling he'll be ok.
  12. I like many of the things she makes. They're flavorful and easy and quick. I agree that she doesn't have enough talent to have like 3 or 4 shows on there though. I think her cuteness plays a big part in that.
  13. Way to go... He brought plenty of those hideous outfits though....
  14. I think that Federov is gone tonight. He sucked last night.
  15. That's cool. When I was on the funeral detail I buried one of the purple heart winners from Iwo Jima. It was a motivating but sad event.
  16. Go to Amittyville and see "the House".....
  17. Respect the dead I look forward to this. I've been to Iwo Jima and re-enlisted atop of Mt. Surabachi in 1998. Pretty moving. My second re-enlistment was in the USS Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.... I've been fortunate to see so many awesome sites in my 17 years in....
  18. Anybody ever think that this could simply be an extortion attempt?
  19. Unwrapped is one of my favorites. I love the food network though. I cook a lot at home and have always loved it, since being a young kid watching my Grandma cook.
  20. I think he's saying we'll keep our 2nd we have now and get another for Henry.
  21. Good choice. The double wall will make a ton of difference for 10 bucks more and anything more than that (triple walls..etc...) need to be hit EXACTLY right to generate anything special out of them.
  22. No. The show was from the studio and she only mentioned it in passing during the show when she was mixing butter and cayenne hot sauce for the chicken breasts.
  23. Try here... A little more than 200 but very nice jersey's....
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