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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do in order to draw some interest.
  2. I agree with your bottom 3. Carrie is so cute but she's dingy as hell. Her comments about not having any clue what the song she sang was about was typical Carrie. Just like her "star" comment. She's fine though so I'm pulling for her.
  3. I'm all about the Italian chow... Yeah, Jacksonville has grown immensly. You should have seen it in 88 when I was here the first time. Wasn't much here.
  4. I think Anwar just sealed his fate. He sucked!! Of course Randy's racist ass is going to say how good he is.
  5. Anthony actually sounded pretty good tonight.
  6. Rasta, we'll have to get together to watch a game sometime.
  7. Scott talks more ghetto every week. I'm tired of his act. Paula looks like she's creaming him this week.
  8. How can the Raiders afford a number 9 pick. They're a ton over the cap right now aren't they?
  9. But you didn't tell us what YOU wear....
  10. Peter Gammons and Bob Costas..... They both seem to be straight up and always get their facts straight before they report something. I like Chris Berman too. Met him in Hawaii and he's an awesome guy.
  11. I'm with you on the boxer brief thing. While I like the boys to breathe I also like some support....
  12. Weren't we all discussing this same thing last year? Will it be the same next year? Josh Reed is paid to do one thing. Catch balls and he doesn't do that very well. Stop looking at him through rose colored glasses.
  13. Did you find his Mom on your "pretty lady website"?
  14. Well, personally I'm Baptist so it doesn't make much difference to me. One thing I don't understand though is why elect someone so old? I mean, he's only 6 years younger than JPII was. How much damage or good can he really do?
  15. I'm a CWO as well. Of course our program is a lot different than yours but it's cool either way.
  16. I'm impressed. We have some very intelligent folks on here. (Marines not included of course)
  17. I like this. It allows us to address some critical needs to include the kicker. Then we can $hitcan LinHELL!!
  18. I was just curious. I see a number of people that post consistently throughout each and every day and was wondering what some of you did that allowed you the time to post so much. I am obviously in the Marines and am the fiscal officer for the Camp Lejeune Disbursing office. I am in charge of a 175 million dollar account. Fortunately I am in charge so I have my worker bees that do the bulk and I just certify the accounts. That allows me time to be on here.
  19. Pass. We don't need another Ricky Williams. An immense talent who can't give up the ganja....
  20. All this from a guy with an avatar of a fat man eating a 4 lb. burger....
  21. All I know is that now I can watch MNF in HiDef.....WoooHoooo!!!
  22. Awesome! I have the same birthday as Maria and Kate Hudson... Now I know what I want for my birthday....
  23. Dirtbag It's really pathetic what having a little money gets you out of. He should've been in jail numerous times.
  24. Well to be honest, when I made that assumption he was almost 40 lbs heavier and still injury prone. I give him all the props in the world for getting himself into shape before coming to Miami and simply kicking a$$....
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