Depends on the size of the pocket needed. If it's for softball then yes. If it's for baseball then it's not as important. The most important thing is to have the right size glove. Infielder's gloves need to be smaller so the ball can be "gotten out quickly" to make a throw.
This is the best advise out there. Having broken in several softball gloves and a few for my son. In addition to the above just place it between the matress and box spring of the bed at night while it's tied up.
Playing catch is a must to truly form a good pocket.
That's it. I'm going to see it this week with or without the wife. She hasn't wanted to see it yet and I've been wanting to bad.
On a side note. Blade 3 comes out tomorrow on DVD. Jessica Biel = yummy!!
And what's even funnier is that you can go back through TSW threads about ANY subject and compile a list in retrospect of what truly happened. Who cares? We all wanted to get value and drop Henry and it didn't happen. I'd rather have a disgruntled Henry as a backup than nothing.
Thanks for the word. I would've loved to get Nugent and was pissed when the Jets took him. Everyone will bash me for wanting a kicker in the 2nd but we could've used him.
You're awfully good at calling people names and insulting them but you somehow never seem to come up with any thoughtful, educated insight to anything.