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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Congratulations on the addition to your family. Glad everything went well with no complications.
  2. Keeps us lean and mean.... You'd be mean too if you had to drink that.
  3. Regular Bud, (headache heaven) and Guiness. I can't stand any of the really thick beers.
  4. Since I'm on the South Beach Diet and it's all about no sugar and low carbs I drink Michelob Ultra. I like Coors Light normally and Genny when I'm up north.
  5. Right up until she was tagging a Backstreet Boy and Tony Parker from the Spurs...
  6. Welcome aboard.
  7. Not exactly sure but being an athlete I can venture an educated guess. I've stubbed my toe or jammed it and after doing this it caused great pain when trying to walk much less run. The injury lasts for weeks and just when you think you're feeling better and you are able to walk normally again you try to run and realize that it's not healed yet and you have to start from scratch.
  8. Am I a bad person for watching it twice??
  9. My comment about Vonz had nothing to do with her ability to sing or not. I actually think she has a pretty good voice but I don't like her "act". I think Bo is the only one who can't sing. His voice is flat and boring IMHO.
  10. Get well soon Dave. Your show's hilarious.
  11. You mean Omarosa?? She could've been her twin sister when she first started. I don't like her because I think she's phony. She acts and does what she thinks she needs to in order to garner votes. Plus I can't stand to watch fat ass Randy drool all over her every week, whether she was horrible or not.
  12. Back at home it would have to be Red's and Trudy's in Portville. They have a "crumbled hamburger" sandwhich that's awesome. Here in NC I'd have to say Fuddrucker's. I know it's a chain but their burgers are big and very good.
  13. I still hope Carrie wins. Bo is a druggie who has "summer teeth". Some are here, some are there. Vonzell and her little crying act because she sang like **** really pissed me off. She acted like she was crying because her daddy was there. Whatever! She was crying because she blew it and she knew it. She was lucky last night. Carrie, although she doesn't have the greatest stage presence is still in my opinion, the best one of the group. Yes, she may have ample booty but so did Kelly Clarkson (still does by the way).... Go Carrie.....
  14. That's hilarious...
  15. How ironic. I was tagged for a random piss test today... We're supposed to get them randomly every 6 months but today was my first in over 2 years.
  16. My favorite music channel is VH1 Classic. They play nearly all the videos we're putting into this thread. Great channel.
  17. For the disco fans: "Loveshack" by B52's "Groove is in the Heart" by damn, I forgot... "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred "Work" by RuPaul
  18. Excellent choices. Don't forget: "Hungry Like the Wolf" by Duran Duran "Kiss Me Deadly" by Lita Ford "Crazy Train" by Ozzy....tribute to Randy Roads "Run to the Hills" by Iron Maiden "Livewire and Shout at the Devil" by Motley Crue "Screaming for Vengeance" by Judas Priest
  19. He only ate 4 hot dogs at that competition. Hell, I think everyone on this board could've beaten him in that one.
  20. Semper Fi... I knew there'd be some here to appreciate it.
  21. Yeah, I was considering doing it myself with someone just cutting the mats for me but I'm not really sure how to get the jersey nice and flat and tight looking for the frame. I may just take it too them but they want over 200 bucks. I guess it's worth it for an autographed HOF'er jersey...
  22. Anybody have any suggestions? I was considering taking it to the local Michaels craft store and having it done professionally or maybe trying it myself. I have been working on my bonus room and want my Kelly jersey mounted. I love the way they look when they are flat in a matted frame.
  23. Sorry Pete. Didn't mean to snub you and on your birthday no less. I just saw Scribo's avatar so I plugged his name in. Happy Birthday by the way.
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