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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. You ask for no redneck jokes as you have an avatar of a NASCAR vehicle?
  2. Yeah, the Yankees and their 26 World Championships are all because of the red in their uniforms....
  3. Good idea. I have all my important stuff in that one fireproof safe but I should put copies of everything somewhere else. I have a memory stick from my digital stored at work with pictues of all my autographed stuff and expensive items in case of a fire or breakin.
  4. He wants both a nintendo and xbox too but I told him no. We've bought him probably 150 ps2 games and countless ps one games from before. He see's something different at a friends house and thinks he has to have it. I've always preferred the ps2 anyway. I think there are too many buttons on the xbox and nintendo controllers making it difficult to play.
  5. I took my jersey to be mounted. (finally)... It was almost 600 bucks but I got 50% off and it only cost me 296. They are custom making a shadow box using black wood and I'm having it put on a deep red background. It's going to look sweet but my question is about the certificate of authenticity. The lady asked me if I wanted it put into the box but I chose to keep it in my safe at home. Should I have put it into the box? I figured that if it was in the box and there was a fire or it was stolen then that's added value. In case of fire I at least would have the C.O.A. for insurance purposes. Thoughts?
  6. Speaking of which. Sony showed off its new PS3 yesterday. Another new game system my son will just have to have. Damn it!!
  7. Bennett was a freak. Congrats...
  8. While I hope you're right, I think Bo has a much larger following than we think. He made bottom three once but I think that was an anomolie. I'm just glad that the whiney little "Baby V" (how fitting) is gone. I thought she wore out her welcome a while ago.
  9. That hottie was Michelle Rodriguez. She was in SWAT and Resident Evil. She's a pretty big time actress and I was surprised she was doing a "guest spot" on the show. That leads me to believe that there could be another group of survivors.
  10. I love Family Guy so I have to go with Peter. And on a side note, I think Stewie is way funnier than Bart too.
  11. I just want Vonzell to lose. I hate her cutsie act. If I could reach through the tv and slap the stojan out of her I would. Even Clive said something about it last night telling her she smiled too much during his song.
  12. I agree. It's a little perplexing isn't it?
  13. As one who hasn't been a Bo fan at all I have to admit that he kicked ass last night. He was very good.
  14. Does 97 Rock still kick ass? I remember growing up in the 80's listening to Snortin Nortin... As a head banger I always loved 97 Rock...
  15. I'm going to a free preview on base of The Longest Yard on Saturday. It looks pretty funny to me.
  16. I'm just glad that people are using condoms.
  17. Who cares?......Really..... It will be a good movie but nothing that I can't wait a month for when the buzz dies down.
  18. There's a great bar on Bourbon St. called the "Cat's Meow"... It's a karaoke bar but they have very good entertainers between the sucky karaoke singers. It's a really fun time and someplace you can really enjoy with the wife.
  19. It has gotten good again. It was beginning to get a little stale but they've managed to find good, deserving families again. Last night was a great show.
  20. You're right. They get paid based on how long they were on the island. There was a breakdown of cash a while ago on the web.
  21. You read my mind.
  22. Are you crazy? She's far from a butta face. Sarah Jessica Parker is a butta face. Courtny, no way.
  23. You have my prayers. My wife's results aren't back yet so we have to wait until Monday now to find out what treatment she needs. God Bless you and best wishes for your fight. Stay positive.
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