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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Exactly, because the fact that she was going 16 mph over the speed limit, broken winshield, busted tailight, and driving on a suspended liscence had nothing to do with the problem the officer had with her. It was all because she was black. Oh, not to mention the attitude she had, refusing to get off the phone or comply with ANYTHING the officer said.
  2. Anna Kournikova is proof that there is a God....
  3. ditto.... He warned her at least 4 or 5 times to get out or get tazed. Her own damn fault...
  4. Alright. I'm going to try to get through the rest of them tonight.
  5. No possible way to please everybody. SOMEONE will always B word about our uniforms no matter what they look like.
  6. I don't know how well I'd be able to debate. I'm only through the first three episodes. The two hour first one and two after that. I'm not worried about spoilers though, so feel free...
  7. I like them but they are a little "cartoonish" IMHO.
  8. That's true but in 96 we weren't spending millions fighting a war in Iraq... I hope you're right though.
  9. I'd be stoked if we make the playoffs this year. If we get in I think we could do some damage.
  10. As much as I hate to see bases closing, it's going to happen. You can right 10 million letters and it won't change their plans. It's unfortunate because a lot of Americans are going to be put out of work. I see it on Camp Lejeune which is one of the, if not THE largest Marine base population wise. We're losing MILITARY positions to civilian contractors. Our military is starting to dwindle and we are already stretched too thin. It's not a good trend.
  11. That's pretty much right on. Most of the ammo we find is old and unstable. That's why it's destroyed. The rounds don't match with our weaponry.
  12. I second that.
  13. I like the show very much too. Fez is right though, it's like an A+ show with a B movie budget. Some of the actors need a little work but I think they'll be better in the second season.
  14. I agree. She is a little weird. There has to be something else about her besides being able to tell the future. I don't see that freaking everybody out as bad as it does alone. I'm going to try to finish up the rest of season one tonight and maybe the season two premier too if I can stay awake long enough.
  15. I DVR'd the first season they replayed all afternoon and the season 2 premier last night. I got through the first 3 episodes. It seems a little X-files like but it's pretty good. Anybody watching it?
  16. One thing I noticed though is that the throwbacks aren't on the Dick's Sporting Goods site like they were supposed to be.
  17. I don't really buy that argument either. Were these advertised as "throwback" or "alternate" jerseys? Not sure which but if it was throwback then they had no choice but to go with the royal blue. I don't really care one way or another. I ordered a throwback but I am in the minority who like our "new" jerseys too.
  18. I agree. I can't stand Crowe either. I think he's a pompous !@#$!
  19. I bought a JP for now since I think he has the best chance to be around the longest. I'm tired of buying jerseys only to see them leave a year or two later. (Flutie, 2 Bledsoe's, Paup) I picked up my son a new style Losman as well. Now he has Losman, Moulds old school, and McGahee new. I'll probably get a Kelly customized when I get back from Iraq and can afford the 300 bucks...
  20. Thanks. I'll check back this afternoon.
  21. I looked and they aren't there yet. I want to order one and was wondering if anyone had any information as to when they would be on there. Thanks...
  22. First I don't think this is serious and second the guy's from West Palm Beach. This wasn't stojan's last hurrah before he left was it? Moves are expensive and maybe that's how he planned to get settled back home...
  23. There are a lot of us in that club on here! Happy Birthday Mike.
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