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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Unfortunately you have to get what you can get. There's a place here in Jacksonville called Sub Station II that has good subs. Lightly toasted, much like back home but it's still kindof "chainy"....
  2. Ooops. I should've clarified. 20 years of honest and faithful service... My bad.
  3. Well I only have 3 years until I retire at 20 so I can stick it out for now. Then I'll make double my money...
  4. When I'm not deployed my job is pretty awesome. When I'm deployed there's always that little getting shot at thing....
  5. Yes, those are very good too. I still prefer A&J's though. I think they're still on West State Street.
  6. It's funny you say that. In the movei Honey with Jessica Alba, the sleazebag video producer was wearing a number 11 Bills jersey....Rob Johnson's...
  7. Same family as the one in Olean? I've been eating their subs since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I can't wait to go home even if it's only for a couple days.
  8. Good point. I forgot about that! I left Hawaii in 95. One other point. You must go see the Arizona Memorial. Very somber film and huge part of history. I reenlisted on it in 1995 and raised a flag to the top of the flagpole. Very humbling.
  9. Yeah. I started eating Nature's Own Wheat and Fiber. Stays very soft and is only 7 grams of carbs per slice. I never liked the grainy or wheat type breads but this is very good. It's as close to taste and texture wise to white bread I've found.
  10. I like it because it's an EASY way to adjust your diet and drop weight without feeling deprived. The foods I eat are good and good for you.
  11. It's not really a diet after the first two weeks. I just substitute brown carbs for refined white and it works. I'm eating as much or more than I did before just better choices. (I miss Italian bread though) Although I can eat what I want now in moderation.
  12. I like how Quizno's soaks the meat in the hot juices. I think I'm taking the wife and kids there for dinner tonight. I'm hungry and chows only been an hour and a half ago.
  13. I like Subway too but I like a change of pace. Subway doesn't have many options to me. Nobody can touch A&J Subs in Olean though. I'll be home for the 4th weekend and that's the first place I'm eating.
  14. I love Quizno's. Being that I'm doing this low-carb (South Beach Diet) thing I get their salad with the BBQ sauce and roast beef. Damn is it good.... Oh, and I'm at 35 lbs lost and counting with South Beach...
  15. I was stationed there for 3 years. Oahu is very nice but get out of Honolulu to find cheaper things to do. Hanama Bay is the best snorkling (beautiful), North Shore is a lot of fun but I definitely don't suggest trying to surf there. Kailua is a very nice town on the other side. It's over by Kaneohe Bay. (Jack from Lost hangs out at Kailua beach and lives in Kailua) The climb to the top of Diamond Head isn't too difficult and the view from atop is awesome. If you're on Oahu go to the "swap meet" at Aloha Stadium. Great prices for suveniers (sp?) and there's tons of stuff there. Maui is beautiful as well. Cool for whale watching. The Big Island is fun if you go to the volcano. (stinks though) Kauai is the most beautiful island. This is more the "movie type" Hawaii. Very plush and green.
  16. Don't tell Ted Nugent....
  17. Did you see Willie performing with Jessica Simpson at that USO thing they did in Germany? He sounded horrible and looked very uncomfortable. (Not sure if that was his age or being that close to Jessica)
  18. You Sir, are correct. My humble apologies.....
  19. That's awesome. You're lucky. I've seen them 5 or 6 times in the 80's. They rocked hard every time and ALWAYS put on an awesome show.
  20. The bands are realizing that the original members make more money. Just like Bruce Dickinson coming back to Iron Maiden.
  21. I was looking at their tour dates and saw that they played Darien Lake last night. Anybody go? I'd love to see their original lineup again.
  22. I watched it. It was pretty funny. The kid in the coffee shop was the best. When he came back in with the cameras they almost beat his ass. Classic!
  23. Well, I got through a couple more episodes. I'm liking this show more and more. Nice twist with the whole "from the future" thing. I was convinced it was aliens but now it seems to be more of a terminator type theme. Interesting. I hope to get through a few more tonight.
  24. Sorry. Didn't think it was a spoiler since it was being reported in the newspaper and I'm sure it will be on tv as well. I'll change the title.
  25. I read it in the paper this morning. ABC released yesterday that Michelle Rodriguez will join the cast next season adding to speculation that there are survivors from the back half of the plane that have yet to be discovered. She will be a permanent cast member. For those that don't know, she's the one that was flirting with Jack in the airport before they left. Should be interesting!
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