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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. I liked the Dawn of the Dead remake. I love the originals too. Haven't watched Shaun of the Dead. Looked a little cheesy. I'll check it out though.
  2. Was this reply necessary?
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  4. Romero strikes again. This one looks good. I hope Romero does it right. I love zombie movies....
  6. Well, it's a lot easier when you realize you can go diagnally. Still can't get any better than 2 though.
  7. I just had this problem fixed with my daughter's jeep. We had to have the timing belt adjusted. We had a brand new serpentine belt so I knew it wasn't that. The timing belt causes a loud squeeking or squeeling noise when you first start it up. Just another option.
  8. I can't get less than 4... of course, that's pretty good for a Marine!
  9. I don't even know who any of them are next week! Maybe I'll recognize a song or two.
  10. I got mine yesterday and what did I do? I put it on and wore it to my sons baseball game!
  11. That's just wrong. Poor NAVYBillsfan. He'll never live that one down...
  12. You liked that? You could barely hear him over the track. It sounded to me like a bad karaoke performance. I will agree though that his voice sounded good on his original song.
  13. The best advice I can offer, especially being in a job that takes me away from home a lot is to MAINTAIN TRUST! Have your time to do your own things as was said earlier in the thread. Let her have girls night out and you have guys nights out too. You have to be able to trust each other for anything to work. (the seperate bank account thing is important too)
  14. Yeah, I've been there. I get plenty of "grass time" trust me. I'm always outside but like to relax in front of the tube in the evenings. Then I'm trying to get 7 months worth of tail later.... My wifes cooperating so far....
  15. Zyrtec works for me.
  16. Yeah, you're probably right but come August all I'm going to see is the "Armed Forces Network" for 7 or 8 months if I even get a chance to watch tv in Iraq at all. I'm just enjoying it now. (Plus I'm a sucker for 80's bands)
  17. The Knack was ripped off IMO. They were awesome. The guy with the SNL song, can't remember his name was lame, especially with Toxic. Tommy Tutone rocked too. They were good. The Motels were ok. Boring songs though. Vanilla Ice was pretty good too but I though his "cover" of Survivor by Destiny's Child was a cheap way to promote his new song. He rocked but I still think The Knack was the best. Opinions?
  18. I love my Losman jersey. I ordered it Saturday and got it yesterday. I have to return my sons Losman jersey though. The youth jersey's are made a little small. Any suggestions on returning items? I plan to send it back with return postage and a message to simply exchange it for an x-large... I will also insure and have it need to be signed for. Anybody have to return anything before? Was it easy?
  19. Thanks. Sounds pretty easy. I remember it's not too hard to get around and I'm sure things will come back to me once I get up there and see some familiar things.
  20. It's been quite some time since I've driven around in Buffalo and the surrounding areas. While I'm home on leave I plan to take my wife and kids to Niagara Falls and wanted to stop by the Bills shop on my way home. Is it difficult to get to returning from the falls? I'm planning on the American side as of now because I've heard the border patrol kind of sucks right now. Is it far? It's been so long I can't even remember how exactly to get to the Ralph. I know, I'll do push ups later for punishment.
  21. Speaking of Beef on Weck. I can't wait until the end of this month. I will be sitting in the Beef and Barrel in Olean eating the best Beef on Weck around. Yummm....
  22. Cindy, I have a question. I'm going to be home on leave the end of this month. Do you work at your store in the Olean Mall? I'd love to stop by and say hello, if nothing else, just to meet another board member and fan in person. I hope your family is feeling better.
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