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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. I just added a pic of me from when I was deployed to Djibouti Africa with my brothers band cd. Notice the constant support of the Bills. I just wondered who had pictures on their profiles. I've seen a few but wondered if they were actually them.
  2. I agree. So it takes revenue from other teams, big deal. The bottom line is that the taxpayers of NY don't have to come out of pocket. People are going to B word either way because it involves the Yankees.
  3. I haven't read what they're going to do with Yankee Stadium. They should keep it open and make a museum out of it. It would be a shame to tear down a piece of history. (Unless I could get a piece of it for my collection) I'm glad they're staying in the Bronx though.
  4. Ron Mexico with the big sore on his lip was hilarious....
  5. That'll be interesting. I have the DVD and the alternate endings are a little weak.
  6. I'd still plow her though.
  7. I agree. Hard to win when it's all about me!!!
  8. Phil's back Let's see if he can work some magic with just Kobe....
  9. "3 months out here supporting Michael Jackson? Do you realize that you could have been the head movie usher by now?"
  10. I agree. Don't get me wrong. I loved the original and still do but I like what they can do with special effects and makeup now. Just like 28 Days Later. Loved the movie but thought they could've done a little more with it.
  11. Here umpires have to be certified for ALL ages and they get 30 bucks a game for anything little league and under. 35-40 per game for babe ruth and above. That being said if I want to B word about an umpire who doesn't know what he's doing then I have every right to. (I'm speaking for MY area here) The umpires here do it for the money more than anything. Quick buck on the weekends and weeknights. I'm going to do it next year when I get back from Iraq because I'm tired of seeing the crap on the field who don't care. I love baseball and want to be a positive influence to the kids that play. Oh, and we take our kids to CiCi's pizza.... All you can eat for 3 bucks. Can't beat it! They also get a trophy with the team name and individuals name and number.
  12. I was wondering what R.Rich thought. Didn't he bring us the star wars one? My office was all cracking up. The troops were looking in wondering what the hell was going on.
  13. ....bump for those wallers on the left coast. No comments though?
  14. Mine flies 365 as well. Conflict or not. Even with all that goes on in this country good and bad I feel so lucky to live here and will gladly go to Iraq and fight to keep this great country and all it's inhabitants safe. God Bless America....
  15. I put watching TV. I spend a lot of time on the computer at work and usually not too much at home. (Besides, I can never get my son off of it, damn Runescape) I spend a lot of time outside too though, working out, and playing misc. sports.
  16. I agree. I think that's why I like the new ones. Much better special effects and much more real looking. Back then though, that's what we had so that's what we went with.
  17. I was thinking Wolford too. Or Ballard...
  18. I'd go Jim Kelly. Greatest QB in Bills history, true leader who puts it all on the field. Steve Tasker. Constant motivation who fires up the rest of the team with his leadership and effort. Makes those around him better.
  19. Triumph.. This is as good as the star wars one. I hope you enjoy!!
  20. Somehow I think that you are the only one on this board that cares about something like that!
  21. How many times are they going to remake Batman? My son wants to see it though so I'll take him when it comes out.
  22. It wasn't incurred prior to his selling the car. The excuse he's getting is that he was the last "registered owner" of the car and thusly that's why he's being charged. He told me he thinks the car was sold to some "illegal's" in the Oceanside/ Camp Pendleton area and therefore never registered. Not sure about that though. All the charges came after he sold the car though.
  23. Is it just me or do her teeth look weird? They look too big for her mouth or like they could be vaneers or something.
  24. My buddy and I were golfing this weekend and he told me about something that didn't sound right to me. I know we have some laywers here so I wanted to ask. He sold a junk car in 2002 to a junkyard in California. Last week he got a bill from a collection agency stating he owed nearly 1000 dollars in towing and storage fees for said car. He told them he sold that car and signed the title over in 2002 before deploying and they said it didn't matter. He was still responsible. It's now with a collection agency and he's at a loss. He said he wasn't going to pay anything and was willing to let it sit on his credit. Any advise? How can he be held liable for something he sold 3 years ago?
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