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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Losman's looking like a$$ today....damn...
  2. A cat is cheaper than a gallon of gas. What the hell!
  3. I'm happy with the win but I don't want to annoint JP the next coming just yet. Houston aren't exactly contenders and we only managed one touchdown? Props to Lindell for his 5 field goals. That's a miracle in itself and having not actually seen the game it's difficult to say for sure. Thank God we have such a NASTY defense. As long as our offense produces something we can win a lot of games. I only hope JP can play well against some stiffer competition.
  4. No. I'm actually conducting some business in Kuwait City until Tuesday. Then it's back to Iraq. I will have to travel periodically while I'm out here.
  5. What happened on that? Was he not in? For those of us who can't see ****...
  6. WTF happened to the defense on that series??
  7. It's especially surreal from over here... God Bless all the victims and their families.
  8. Scream was ok..... I agree though. The quality of horror movies suck now.
  9. Glad you're safe. Prayers for you and your fellow residents.
  10. The wobbly H.... Requires two men and one woman... guess who's in the middle...
  11. The friggen internet nazi's in Iraq block EVERYTHING! I can't get into **** here. It sucks...
  12. You may not like them "close up"...
  13. That pole is a f-in joke....
  14. Sorry. I'm in a military mindset right now and have my watch set military time. !@#$....
  15. It's been a slow day today. No mortars or mortals.... Plus they don't hit us until night time. It's only 16:45..
  16. I like your optomism but you need to keep whatever it is your drinking out of your kool aid....
  17. Ummm..... It's defenSe and offenSe... Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine...
  18. Everybody drink a beer or ten for me here in Iraq at the opener. I'll be thinking about you all.....
  19. Iraq hasn't been too bad so far. We get shelled with mortars a lot and I've taken small arms fire once but other than that not bad. I don't think they have the hot dogs anymore. If they do I haven't seen them. They were pretty good...
  20. Spaghetti in meat sauce is good too. Especially with the cheese and tabasco mixed in.....
  21. I've had a few in my time... as recently as last week. They aren't too bad now. They had the old C-Rats when I first came in and then switched to MRE's. The C-Rats weren't bad at all in my opinion but the new MRE's that replaced them sucked. Dehydrated pork patties and crap like that were horrible. Now they have been improved again and some of the menus aren't bad. I agree with the Tabasco sauce though. If you get a meal with that as a condiment, it's there for a reason...
  22. Good luck. Prayers are on the way.
  23. Update... I just got back from the debriefing. We took some small arms fire on the way out but once we got out there the payment went off without a hitch. The 50's on the gun trucks let loose on them. It was a pretty sight to see, brought a tear to my eye... I love this ****... It was quite an adrenaline rush. I just wanted to let you all know I made it back safely.... Until next time....
  24. My wife wrote me and said that it was 3.01 yesterday morning when she went to work and when she came home it was 3.89.... A jump of .88 in less than a day...
  25. Now that's some incentive to get back... The best subs I've ever eaten....
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