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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Too bad I'm in Iraq.....and married....
  2. I hope mine doesn't make anybody sick....
  3. Their shipping is a little higher but it's worth it in my opinion. Their prices are cheaper for the stuff and they have a huge variety of WNY foods. Personally I'm not too cheap to pay the shipping for something I really want...
  4. The best website in the world for misplaced WNY's.... And they ship very fast... I've used it for Chevetta's often... www.buffalofoods.com Enjoy... Edit: And a gallon of Anchor sauce is only 15.00 there....
  5. So let's keep analysing it.....15 years later....
  6. Must not be a school night....
  7. Do the replithentic jerseys have sewn numbers or the iron on type...
  8. Oh boy, you're friends with Meazza? Did you meet him on MySpace??
  9. Sounds like the guy needs to relax a little bit. Hell we're getting shelled quite a bit but nobody has had to go see the wizard.... And we have a lot of young kids (17-25ish) here and they're handling it ok... But I'll keep him in my thoughts.
  10. Maybe we could get Rasheed Wallace to come in and challenge Lindell. Did you see him kick that basketball into the stands last year??
  11. But Tiger dyed his hair blonde last year... Damn, nevermind...
  12. And this was your first post? Welcome but I seriously hope that you can recognize the difference between getting hit by a 200+ lb football player and holding a stick and hitting a little white ball?
  13. Doesn't matter. I have a beautiful wife and two children. One of whom is a 17 year old girl that I will definitely be warning about you....
  14. Neither one of them. Tiger probably hasn't had a physical confrontation in his life so he wouldn't be able to take a hit or deliver one and Shaq doesn't have the coordination in my opinion to play any position in the NFL. Look at other "athletes" who've tried. Brock Lesner comes to mind with his ill fated attempt to leave the "hollywood wrestling" scene for the NFL. He's a superior athlete with a ton of coordination but couldn't hack it in the NFL. What makes you think either Tiger or Shaq could?
  15. No, I just choose to be attracted to women who are actually LEGAL!!
  16. I can't believe you're actually seriously arguing this... Are you first in line for the coaster?
  17. You could look for some more 14 year olds on myspace... edit: sorry Kelly... beat me to it...
  18. I want Kobe... Didn't you see he's God and scored 81 pts???
  19. You can both download Skype.... It's both a chat and phone program. I use it from here in Iraq to talk to my brother through the computer. As long as you both have it you can talk through your computer with a mike and speakers. It runs using minimal bandwidth and can be left up all the time. You just simply minimize it into the tray on the bottom of the computer. It's a great program and it's free....
  20. Lori you must be crazy arguing facts with Johnny... He'll probably start a poll about it...
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