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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. What I didn't get is why did they even tell them they kept an inventory? I know they're very organized with everything else but if they wouldn't have told them about "the book" they could've gotten away with hiding more of them.
  2. What a snoozer episode last night. I mean literally. I fell asleep watching it and had to finish it this morning before work.
  3. I'm with you and said something about it earlier. Ok, we get it, Negan rules all. But in order to keep interest in the show up people aren't going to want to watch a bunch of episodes in a row where everyone is just blowing Negan because he's a bad ass. This show is about survival so eventually they're going to have to start formulating plans to fight back.
  4. I don't think so. He referred to her as "the sick girl" last night. But who knows what Negan really knows.
  5. And it snows in Virginia.
  6. I didn't really care much for this episode. Negan cucking Rick the whole episode is a little over the top, but I suppose it leads to different things. Rick has completely given in to Negan, we get it. But now I wonder if they won't attempt to find another way to fight back. Obviously with no guns they will have trouble scavenging and if Negan is going to threaten to kill someone if they don't have something "interesting" for them when they return then their fate is pretty much sealed. I have an idea where the comics go but they don't always follow true to the comic. And the "shocking reveal" was something we all already knew in regards to Ricks daughter.
  7. This literally made me laugh out loud!
  8. Been to the Sabres vs Carolina when I was stationed down there. It was almost eerie how quiet it is until a goal is scored. Just wondered if I should expect the same. Sounds like it will be the polar opposite of a Bills game.
  9. Going to my first game in Buffalo since high school and the Aud tomorrow night. Seats on the glass right next to the Sabres bench. What can I expect? Is it roudy or do people mainly sit until something exciting happens? Should I get there early?
  10. I had a customer last week that was looking at a 2017 Traverse. Opted to buy a used 16 because the new Chevy's will not have CD players anymore. In fairness to him, he was an older gentleman who despises technology.
  11. Saw Strange this weekend. Was better than I thought it would be.
  12. Thanks for posting. I'll be checking it out. Korea, the forgotten war.
  13. I love the Lex and Terry show out of Dallas Texas. Very funny guys!
  14. I enjoyed the episode a lot too. Really did some decent character building from the new community that plays a major role in the comic. Totally broke away from the doom and gloom of the previous episode. I love that they were feeding the pigs for negan's group with walkers... That was awesome! Looks like next week we get a lot of the plight of Darryl and his captivity with Negan. Could be another dark one.
  15. I feel the same way. When we lost this week I told myself, "at least TWD is back tonight", which is sad...
  16. That's crazy! I'm a Business Manager now at a dealership and do financing. His rate on his own should've been around 6% with no prior auto history. The max markup is 2% so 17.5 - 20 doesn't sound right to me at all. I'm not sure how CarMax works, but traditional indirect lending through a dealership would've yielded better results. And for the record, your wife co-signing would significantly lower the rate just as it did. It's the lack of auto history and a light credit file that hurt your son.
  17. That would've been pretty brilliant. Show Abe getting killed at the end, let people stew over it, and then continue with the season premier and go to the Glen kill.... People would've lost it!
  18. I'm thinking Maggie. Only because I think Negan knows this will have a major impact and he wants the stronger ones to be able to do his bidding. Just a guess though.
  19. Can't wait! Any guesses who dies?
  20. Anyone notice how Tyrod never goes to the endzone to congratulate the receiver? He just trots over to the sideline and sits down...lol..
  21. LOVE this show. It's in that rare spot for me that when it's over I'm pissed I have to wait another week for the next one.
  22. That's my luck. Got tickets for the Sabres November 9th, paid extra for the first row on the glass right next to the Sabres bench and Eichel is out. This will be my first home Sabres game since they played at the Aud and this is what I get.
  23. I'd ask if there's more nudity but I might run for president one day...
  24. I say just play the National Anthem on every 3rd down. Kap takes a knee, easy peasy!
  25. I haven't watched the second episode yet but I really love this show. It is a little hard to follow but I think I'm getting the overall premise.
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