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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. You and me both brother... The bad thing was looking around thinking "Damn, there are some really hot chicks up here" and then realizing that "Wait, I'm here to move my DAUGHTER in!"
  2. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. The majority of the confusion came from the fact that there was no OB. At any rate, just like in any sport, the premier players get the calls. That's the way it is. Whether or not the ruling took 5 minutes or an hour, it was the right call so ultimately Tiger had no advantage from it and still needed an incredible third shot just to save bogey.
  3. It didn't take them that long to find the ball, it took the most time to get the actual ruling. Get over it. Tiger's, bar none, the best golfer right now and probably ever. He will smash all the records on his way to winning probably 20-25 majors and 100 tournaments.
  4. He's the reason I played trumpet in school. RIP Maynard.
  5. That dude was BOMBING! His jokes were lame and not even close to funny. You're entitled to your opinion but I thought Jaime saved the show...and that's just my opinion.
  6. "this is your concious"......
  7. Maybe you can get cromagnum to do it for you and save a buck or two...
  8. Jaime roasts a guest comedian...funny stuff... Again, watch the language. Lot's of F-bombs...
  9. I can't believe Kirk or Picard didn't make the list....
  10. slam in 3.....2.....1.....
  11. How did JP do? I looked at the stat line and it didn't look too bad but not sure overall. Seems he's getting slammed a little in here as usual but how did he look overall?
  12. They are advertising primetime games every Thursday and Saturday plus football on some channel 24/7.... I guess they have to do something to compete with cable and DTV.
  13. You'd think that someone who can perfom surgery on themselves would have some sort of concept about spelling and punctuation. WTF??
  14. Well since I have to wear a uniform at work I have my 3 x 5 flag that was sent to me in Iraq hanging across my wall at work. I also have a large bills logo magnet and mini helmet on my desk... No question who my team is here...
  15. I watched it too. I think some of TKO's difficulties came from the delay in the signal. But he did seem like he was hesitant with his anwers.
  16. I'd take McPhee out of those choices. Beyonce does nothing for me. Her legs are way too jiggly for me.
  17. He's a good guy. He's done nothing but try to help his homeland people since he made his money. I saw a special on him and all that he's done for them.
  18. She's got no chest but her bikini scene in You, Me and Dupree was hot. She has an incredible azz!!!!
  19. Holy ****! I haven't seen a Chess King since I was a senior in high school, in the Olean Mall back in 1987! Now the Olean Mall has maybe 2 or 3 stores left in it.... I used to love Chess King....that's funny.
  20. Gear up for the rodeo!!
  21. She looks skanky as hell. Something tells me if she smiles she's missing half her teeth and the other half are rotted out.
  22. Well I'm supposed to have the game on here. F-in Time Warner Cable is now showing COPS!!! WTF?? I hate them and called to B word and all they would say is that it's FOX's fault not theirs. I'm calling Direct TV tomorrow. F TWC....
  23. Can't we get the f-u smiley back? This is a time that deserves it...
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