Like Stacy hasn't been posted before. I don't recall seeing Vanessa before and I don't have time to search back since the last time you were consistent with your BOTD posts...beeyatch...
Naw. See Joe goes into a hiatus for the BOTD. Well I serve my country daily and tried to serve those on TBD as well by reviving it. Well now he has to come try to jump back in. I don't worry about Joe, I think he's down to a "one pack".
I'll see what I can do. It's one of the best sights for pictures. A lot of Google images come out thumbnail size. I'll try to do better the the BOTD fans..
7 months in Kuwait Desert Storm, Horn of Africa (Somolia) as well as Iraq. I've been there too. I sensed condesention in your remarks. And Marine is always spelled with a capital M.
Yeah, we're on the NMCI network. It's a huge contract that was done for the Navy and Marine Corps. It sucks. They block most everything and it's getting worse.
Why thank you very much... Enjoy it while it lasts. They're getting ready to block EVERYTHING that's not .mil from our internet...
I think it's supposed to take effect sometime in December. Then I won't be able to even get in here. Imagine someone getting upset over our military surfing a message board at work...
Thought about this one.
I thought about ordering this one and getting it customized for Perreault. Pretty good price blank but not too bad customized either.