Kate 2
Kate 3
Kate 4
Kate 5
Kate 6 (one of my favorites)
Kate 7
Kate 8
Google photo for Buffan00
Another for Buffan00
One more for Buffan00
Ok. So I included some Google images for those that can't get to the other site... Hope you enjoyed MILF week... Maybe next week we'll have another theme...
The board here too great care of me when I was over there. I received a ton of stuff from the wallers. I'm sure that will continue for another Bills brother over there. Let me know if you need anything.
Good luck and Godspeed.
Shania 2
Shania 3
Shania 4
Shania 5
Shania 6
Shania 7
Sorry. It was hard to find really "sexy" pics of Shania. These are good but not a lot of pics I could find of her scantily clad..
In the words of George Michael...you gotta have Faith.
Why do all these women wait for me on the couch?
I love legs.
Gotta love wet.
triple shot.
The problem is that he isn't a stand up comedian. He's an actor doing stand up therefore had no idea how to handle the heckling. I think what he did was wrong but I also think what the hecklers did was just as wrong. So what if the words they used in a racial manner weren't as derogatory as the one he used? The fact remains that they both used racial slurs towards the other and he went overboard. We live in a world that's too sensitive today in my opinion.
Just for the record, I will be on vacation starting tomorrow through Sunday. Therefore maybe Joe can get off his a$$ and post for the next few days. Other than that I will be back in full force Monday morning.