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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. I shoot stuff, not build it...
  2. Well once I retire I'll be able to drink a lot more beer. Plus my father in law can really put it down....
  3. I have that issue. I checked that website they listed in there. There are some pretty decent ones in there but they are really limited for choices in a home bar system....
  4. Ok, so I'm going to be retiring in a little over a year from the Marines. I will be building my house in Pennsylvania in the mountains of Perry county near Carlisle. I want to have a completely finished basement for me... But in this basement I'm going to have a gym, a rec area with a pool table and darts and I want a bar. I've seen some different designs online but I don't really care for them. I want something just like a real bar. I'm just curious if anyone has one in their home and if you have any suggestions. I would like shelves for booze and also a tap system. I'm thinking a kegerator type thing built into the bar. I also want hot and cold running water and mirrors on the back wall. I know we have quite the melting pot of folks here so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. I love it. And I wore my thowback Perreault jersey to work today just for all the "Hurricane fans".... I hate North Carolina...
  6. What a joke.
  7. Yeah. That's a little steep but you just order one size bigger. Plus if you click on the detail pic or whatever the shirt has a "washed out" look to it. It's not bad. Plus the jersey is priced really nice...
  8. Buffalo Sabres Shirts.... Not bad shirts. I'm getting one since you can't find any Sabres sh-- here in NC. Jersey too...nice price...
  9. When we were young teens we used to hide at night and bomb cars with snowballs. The only problem was we couldn't see anything but headlights. We nailed the sh-- out of a NY state trooper one night and his lights came on quick. We took off into the woods with him giving chase too but he never got any of us. Good times man, good times.
  10. Went to see "Night at the Museum" and they showed the previews to this. The CGI is pretty awesome in it and of course there's the best part of the movie.....My girl....
  11. I'll be back soon. I have basically today and tomorrow at work then I'm off for the new year. I'll be heading to Quantico for 9 weeks starting the 8th. I'll post regularly then again before I head to work for the day. The only bad thing is when I'm there I'll be working 14 hour days 6 days a week... But I won't forget about you guys. First thing before I head out I'll post the BOTD again.
  12. Rookies...
  13. This pretty much covers mine. We played a lot of kick ball and baseball too. (many windows lost) We also played a lot of hide and seek at night. Me and my girlfriend would never get found... Oh and the bumper surfing thing. We just called them bumper rides and we did it every winter, along with massive snowball fights.
  14. Awsome flick. I went in knowing the movie was about the man and not the fight. I loved it and would watch it again in a heartbeat.
  15. That's awesome! Thanks for posting.
  16. Hockey Night in Buffalo
  17. I'll be there next year...I can't wait.
  18. Only 9 games.....
  19. Are you serious? You didn't see the shot Spacek took in the game last night? Total sucker punch from behind after he ran a player, I think his name was Curtis or something like that, into the post. He got up, dropped his gloves and sucker punched spacek from behind...
  20. If he slurred any worse he'd need subtitles. Swallow your spit for crying out loud...
  21. I think he's referring to Melo's little rap video where he plays a thug.....
  22. That's what I'm talking about. Your avatar would be a good first pose...minus the clothes of course.
  23. I saw the hit being chastised on ESPN earlier by Melrose. Why the hell does race always have to get brought into it? Such bullstojan..
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