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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. I've met Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Andre Reed, Bruce Smith, Henry Jones, Howard Ballard, and Steve Tasker. They were all really cool to me with the exception of Bruce. He was a bit of an ass. I scammed press passes for the Pro Bowl week when I was stationed in Hawaii two years in a row. One of the guys I worked with used to drive House around during college and he hooked me up meeting him. We went to dinner and Howard picked up the whole bill, and was very nice. Tasker was an awesome person too.
  2. 100% scored higher (more nerdy), 0% scored the same, and 0% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Definitely not nerdy, you are probably cool.
  3. Went and checked out 300 yesterday. What an awesome movie. Some of the best cinematography I've ever seen in any move. Great story of pride and sacrifice. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... 5 stars.... in my opinion....
  4. I just fixed it.
  5. I'm disgusted now. My two favorite chicks are gone and that little fairy stayed in? I can't believe that Sabrina was voted off. I'm pulling for the beat boxing kid or the Jack Osborne looking kid now....
  6. Don't you mean ladder? Perhaps you're already listening to Golic....
  7. Nice little camel toe!!
  8. Nope, I wasn't aware of that. http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/urn:newsm...chie_flap__ER:1 Try this one.
  9. I'll see what I can do....
  10. [post=http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/urn:newsml:tv.ap.org:20070307:tv_idol_frenchie_flap__ER:1]http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/urn:newsml:tv.ap.org:20070307:tv_idol_frenchie_flap__ER:1[/post] I know I've been gone for a while but what's with making posting a link so hard?
  11. I can't believe nobody likes Rome. I think this is a great series and am very disappointed that it's only going for two seasons.
  12. 2.49 in Jacksonville NC. Up around .25 from two weeks ago.
  13. Speaking of NY'ers. I took my son to the Carolina, Islanders game last night in Raliegh. Free tickets, military appreciation night...blah blah.... Anyway. Right behind us were about 40 Islander fans that took a bus from NY. They were a booster club. Let me tell you, if there were 3 out of the 40 that were under 400 lbs I would be surprised. And do they not have dental plans in NY? Wow.... I was embarassed to be from NY for a little bit and then I realized, I'm not from THAT NY! Oh, and the Carolina fans didn't appreciate the throwback Perreault jersey either....
  14. I'm looking forward to Spiderman 3. I'm curious to see where they go with the Venom suit.
  15. I started listening to all the games on the WGR550 link from sabrespace.com.......
  16. If the shoe fits..... if not then don't get all sensitive.
  17. I'd have to say San Diego. I met AJ Smith when he was with the Bills when I was stationed in Hawaii. He's a great guy.
  18. The video is on uselessjunk.com too....
  19. Ok. So San Fran wins in OT... Does this affect our position at all?
  20. Thanks. Good luck to you in the playoffs.
  21. Oh. Well no offense to anybody, but this doesn't affect me so I really don't care..... ; )
  22. Where has anybody read that TimeWarner will lose Fox Network? I haven't heard anything of that nature.
  23. With a BOATLOAD of money. Somehow I think it'll survive.
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