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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Crayonz draws in a new sucker every day.
  2. I thought Sanjaya sucked. Yeah, he showed some personality by jumping around like an ass but he didn't sing for sh--. Remember this is a singing competition and he was horrid.
  3. That lead singer from Vixen was HOT!! Not so much anymore... I saw them on Bands Reunited last week and they haven't aged well...
  4. That was Nate leaving Buffalo for San Francisco....
  5. The Aud- Probably Iron Maiden around 87. HSBC- Only been to one and that was Kiss on the reunion tour. Darien Lake- Never been for a concert.
  6. The only interesting thing for me this year is that the truly GIFTED singers may not win. Kiki, Melinda are by far the two best singers but they have no "star quality" in my opinion. I actually think that the kid that beat boxes, I can never remember his name, has the most potential to be a star. At least in the normal age range of the majority of fans. While Melinda is an outstanding talent she has the personality of potato peels. And her bullstojan act of timidness and being so humble is making me sick. I remember earlier in the show when she introduced her "clothing stylist and hair stylist" which were her friends. She's a "diva" but is playing up for the camera now. You can see it a mile away.
  7. Sanjaya will be gone very, very soon. I can't say I would've been disappointed with any of them going home last night. Hopefully it'll be Sanjaya next week, and then the Navy dork. I can't think of his name but he reminds me of the Vampire from Salems Lot...
  8. She suffers from "noassatall"......
  9. It never claimed to be an accurate portrayal. It's entertainment....
  10. Let's go old school..... Grace Kelley...
  11. Adriana Lima
  12. Lokelani McMichael....
  13. Jessica Alba....
  14. Suing for 1 BILLION!!
  15. I've had the cement mixer. Definitely one of the nastiest shots I've ever done. It's like trying to swallow cottage cheese.
  16. In my opinion it's not that bad. There is some nudity (breast shots, and a little mini lesbo orgy type thing), the rape scene is more implied than actually happening. It's not even really rape but more like a situational thing. I don't know what you let your 14 year old normally watch but it's probably nothing compared to what they see and hear in school. Just my opinion though. My son is 14 and I would take him.
  17. Does this really surprise anyone? Big deal, he's an actor, shoot it up if you want....
  18. And maybe if you publish YOUR OPINION, then people on a public internet forum should keep their responses to themselves. To call my post what you did was childish. I've known people who killed themselves. I have had friends kill themselves so I'm entitled to my opinion.
  19. I have no sympathy for anyone that takes their own life.
  20. You just did.
  21. Djibouti, Somalia, Niger, Ethiopia??????
  22. That's one of the things I really like about the "Rock Star" shows. (The ones with Brooke Burke) On the last one nearly all of the artist vying to become the lead singer actually performed their own songs they had written in addition to the traditional songs. I think many of them are far more talented than anyone on Idol. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of the Idol perfomers and from an entertainment aspect I enjoy the show. Do I vote? No, but I still enjoy watching it. Big deal.
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