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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. I agree 100%. There are a lot of idiots that have no business on a bike. However there are probably more idiots behind the wheel of a car and no matter how defensively you drive a bike some people just don't look.
  2. That's why I have loud pipes. If they can hear you they're more apt to look for you.
  3. I can't get past level 6
  4. Loud pipes save lives!!!
  5. 2006 Fatboy.
  6. Read the thread dipsh--. I posted it two replies above yours.
  7. Chris Sleigh. The Jack Osbourne look alike.....
  8. Where are you stationed?
  9. Don't apologize. Everyone can read the title of the thread and if it's not something they want to read then they simply shouldn't open it. Some people just like to B word...and increase their post counts...
  10. Thanks for posting. Great true story that happens all over America.
  11. More words of wisdom from the resident clown.
  12. There are so many opinions on tattoos. May feel the same as you and many don't. I just think it takes away from the freedom that we fight to protect. Tattoos are a growing trend in society today, especially with the popularity of shows like "Miami Ink" and "Inked".
  13. The funny thing is that Marines were given until April 1st. Anything they have before that is "grandfathered" and will be documented and put into their record books. You should see the tattoo parlors here in Jacksonville. They have been swamped with Marines getting tons of work before the deadline. They can't keep up with all the work.... It's funny to see... Marines will find a way.
  14. When Marines are on embassy duty they wear a uniform that consists of the dress blue pants and a khaki colored short sleeved shirt. They say it looks unprofessional if you have a ton of tattoos visible when wearing this uniform. That's where the professional part comes in. And your other comment is true. Most of the Marines that get sleeves or elaborate tattoo work on their entire arms aren't the type to be working in a professional environment on the outside. Some do, but not most.
  15. That has always been in the tattoo order. You can't get anything on the neck or head, gang related, anything that is prejudicial to good order, discipline and morale or that bring discredit on the Marine Corps. All tattoos are screened. The majority of tattoos Marines get are the "gungy" ones, the Semper Fi's or the Eagle Globe and Anchor (Marine Symbol). Things like that.
  16. I agree. I just thought she looked a little "skinny" to be brazilian.
  17. I can see that too and some of the younger Marines don't consider life after the Marine Corps but I still think it's a personal choice that one should be able to make. I know a lot of corporate types that are completely tatted up but when they are dressed for work you can't see them. Long sleeve shirts and a tie will hide a lot...whether at work or for a job interview.
  18. They are saying that they look "unprofessional". Sleeves are getting popular now (where the whole arm is covered). I can kind of understand not allowing sleeves because it can limit duties Marines can do, like embassy duty and such. But 95% of Marines don't do any of those duties. I think having tattoos is a part of what makes us unique. It's just one more way for them to let us know we are under their control. Another reason I can't wait to retire and be a "civilian" again.
  19. I wouldn't call her stunning but I think she looks better than the girlfriend Kate...
  20. I bring this up because the Marine Corps just passed a new order. As of April 1st Marines can no longer get tattoos that can be seen in a standard pt uniform (normal t-shirt and shorts). So basically the only place a Marine can get a tattoo is on the shoulder and chest and back. As a Marine who has a few significant tattoos on my arms I think they are getting a little too micromanaging. I understand we're military and have to be "uniform" but they are taking one of the few traditions left (the Marine Corps is HUGE on tradition) and getting rid of it. If they wanted to restrict tattoos on the forearms or anything below the elbow I can understand that but I just think it's getting stupid. Marines and tattoos are synonymous with each other. All I can say is thank God I retire in a year.
  21. This coming from a guy who always represents himself with an avatar sporting a "phallic" shaped object coming out of his mouth.
  22. She's actually in Florida. Since she won the money in Cali she had to pay Cali taxes...
  23. I think the topic is FEMALE celebrity! Unless you have some fetish for Dr. Phil or he has since had a sex change then he doesn't apply.
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