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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. I can't post a link at work but anyone at home that can post the Youtube link to Britney Spears womanizer video will not be dissappointed. It's official, Britney Spears is back in the uber hot range again. Good for her....
  2. It can sound racist to you all you want. I'm not saying it in a racist context. I'm just stating facts. You can't even imagine how many people I've heard say they were voting for him just because he's black. I would ask them if they had any idea what his policies were and they said it didn't matter. They were black, he's black so he gets their vote. I sincerely hope he rights the ship for this country. I hope he becomes one of the best presidents we have ever had because we need some work right now. Only time will tell.
  3. But 18 right? Just said she was smoking hot, not that I wanted to bend her over the kitchen table. (that comes next year when she graduates...) And for the record the article actually says she WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL AT THE TIME!
  4. So you're saying that nobody voted for him just because he's black? AFN plays the Tom Joyner show here at night and I was coming home from the gym listening and heard with my own ears them sitting there and saying, over the radio, that if you are black you have to vote Obama. A black caller said he was voting McCain and he was slaughtered by the program. So go ahead and live in your little fantasy world.
  5. I even got this game here in Japan. It was awesome!
  6. What I don't understand is all the ball washing over voting in a black man. It shouldn't matter what color he is and I'd be willing to bet that if he didn't have all the newly registered black voters that have either no idea what his ideals are or no idea what he really stands for he wouldn't have won. As a military guy, I can't get past his lack of experience, especially in world matters. I got tired of watching guys like Lil Wayne get on stage with the "fight the power" mentality saying "vote Barack". Lil Wayne is a felon and can't even vote. So I personally feel he WAS voted in simply because the color of his skin. I voted for McCain and wish he would've won. He didn't so I'll stand by Barack Obama as my new Commander in Chief and pray that his smooth talking ways aren't just that. I pray that he does turn this country around and that he's one of the best we've ever had. Good luck Barack. You have a lot of work ahead.
  7. F*ck is part of the Marine Corps dictionary.
  8. Not actually first but he was the 1st Marine and 4th overall service member. Was only 8 minutes off the overall finishers time and did really well. Averaged a 5:45 per mile pace the whole race. I wouldn't even want to be that fast. Cpl Kunish
  9. Real rock bands like AC/DC or Maiden, Metallica and groups of that nature, yes. The 80's poppy sh-- like R.E.M. no.....
  10. Yeah, in another week it'll be cheaper to buy gas in town at 104 yen a litre.
  11. Saw this on base this weekend. Save your money, the movie blew balls.....
  12. Still fricking $4.06 in Okinawa. Bastard AAFES nazis here....
  13. True, a game they should've won. But they didn't and it's still not the end of the world. We're still in good shape and if we can get healthy at the right time we're going to be fine. I'm just saying that it amazes me how people will annoint Jauron the Almighty one week and then the same people call him Satan the next. Emotion is a B word but uncontrolled emotion is even worse.
  14. I'm surprised that TBD doesn't cause a shortage of crutches with the way everyone is on and off the bandwagon. Every team has a bad week. Not everyone is going to be at the top of their game all the time. They are professionals and should be but that's not reality. We are a very good YOUNG football team that is maturing and coming into their own. A loss shouldn't have people lying on the train tracks waiting for the train to come. Let's see out we do next week. Relax people, it's one game and nobody here could say they thought we'd be 15-1 at the end of the season.
  15. And has anyone seen it? It's coming on base next week and I've really been wanting to check this one out. Any reviews??
  16. BFD! If you want the album, go to fricken Wal Mart and buy it. Who cares if it's exclusively sold through them? I'd do that too if it were going to put more paper in the bank. People are too damn sensitive.
  17. Not sure if it's just Japan but I've been having a lot of problems with it lately. It constantly tells me my password is wrong and makes me reset it and then many times after that it deletes all my inbox and folders. Very frustrating.
  18. Absolutely, however it doesn't seem like the wrong side because the steering wheel is also on the wrong side. Although, turn signals and wipers are a bit of a challenge...
  19. I don't drive any miles. I drive Kilometers!
  20. $4.06 in Okinawa ON BASE!!! And they say we're getting a discount....
  21. Looking forward to Max Payne as well. Really looking forward to "Quarantine". May be a stupid movie in the end but I love that genre.
  22. After that pathetic half we're still only down a touchdown. Make the adjustments Dick. Lets go.....
  23. two minute drill..... Let's go Buffalo.....
  24. shouldn't that be a penalty when the first to touch it is an offensive lineman?
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