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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. We got the number 4 pick.
  2. Number 4 pick. Goes by strength of schedule so Denver gets number 2 with Cincy in the 3 spot.
  3. Love this show!!
  4. Still serving. Joined in 1988. Started as a Private First Class and have reached the rank of CWO3 (so far). I've loved it. There have been times that I've been ready to call it quits but overall I am very proud of the things I've done in the Marine Corps. Not sure how much longer I'll stay in because the separations from family are getting a little tough, but it's nice to be in a position to move on with a retirement check at any time. The military has been very good to me and my family though. Wouldn't trade the last 21+ years for anything.
  5. With the exception of the foul on Kobe when Fisher hit the 3. Obvious foul with Kobe elbowing Nelson on the chin. Should've been a call there.
  6. I still have the AFC Champions Wheaties boxes...
  7. Any and all funerals, even those with Military honors can be modified to the discression of the family. I was the SNCOIC of the rifle detail for 8 months of funeral duty some years ago. We never "struck" the casket and there is no protocol in the Marine Corps funeral regulations that state such. The only thing I could think of is that maybe it was for conflicts he may have served in? Not sure, but we never did that. On a side note I read you were presented 7 shell casings. When I was on the detail we used to shine the brass before hand and after I gave the firing commands I would ceremonialy retrieve the brass, put the spent shell casings into a red velvet bag that would be inserted into the folded flag prior to it being presented. We also ALWAYS had a live bugler for taps. On a side note, it was one of the most honorable and proud moments I've had in my 21 plus years as a Marine being on that detail. While it was VERY emotional at times it was something I will always be proud of doing. I'll never forget the family of an Iwo Jima survivor (Purple Heart, and Silver Star recipient) I buried in Wilmington NC. Gave me chills hearing the testimony of his services.
  8. Newcleus "Jam on It" UTFO "Roxanne Roxanne"
  9. I'll always love the Bills (as long as they're in Buffalo) but since this season is over I only have one thing to say...... GO YANKEES!!!!!
  10. Nobody's pulling for Baltimore and Willis McThrillis??
  11. Steak and Cheese from A&J's in Olean..... Best sub ever...
  12. She looks much larger in the pics in the second link. Personally if you follow the other links at the bottom, I'd rather have that European chick if I were going to pay for someone's virginity. She's WAAAAYYY hotter.
  13. Finally!!!!! On Friday our gas will go from $4.06 a gallon to $2.44. Still higher than many of you but almost cut in half is ok with me....
  14. They did set a record for Arrowhead. Nobody had scored more than 51 before us.
  15. Agree. I think some of the others may not look nearly as bad as the photo they used....
  16. Now the question is do they kick to McKelvin????
  17. Because we'll just miss them anyway...
  18. Who cares? They cost me 13 points in my weekly pick em points pool....
  19. If you're 15 minutes early you're on time, if you're on time you're late!
  20. For me, besides the core values of "Honor, Courage and Committment" it's pride. The pride to be a Marine, pride to do what's right and the brotherhood that is our bond. The pride of serving, not only in peacetime but also in a war zone. The pride of humanitarian efforts in helping those that needed it. The pride of knowing that I'm a part of the best fighting force in the world. When I saw the Commandant's message at our birthday ball and saw all the sacrifices of those that have come before me it brought a tear to my eye and reminded me of why I do this. It's easy to forget sometimes when the job gets you down. My time in the Marine Corps will be ending soon but it will always be the best thing I could've done with my life and the 20+ years I will have served will be my proudest accomplishment ever.
  21. So you've rubbed one out a million times to Heidi Klum?
  22. 10 November 1775 the Marine Corps was born in Tun Tavern. Gotta love an organization formed in a bar.... So Happy Birthday Marines and former Marines alike, 233 years of excellence. Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful)
  23. Still f*cking $4.06 in Okinawa.
  24. All I can say is that I hope you're right. It's easy to talk a good game but much different to execute it. Just as DJ. Oh, and for the record, a large part of why I voted McCain is because I'm active military. Now that the Dems are in control of everything I'll be retired before I see another pay raise. Anyway, I hope and pray that BO can deliver all that he's promised. If he can then America will be a much better place becuase of it.
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