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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Actually Jim it is Byoo fort... The locals hate when you say Bow fert...lol..
  2. I just retired from there. Spent my last 3 years there in the Marines. Dockside restaurant is a "must eat" place. Awesome food and great views. If you're into history at all, a short drive will take you to Old Sheldon Church. It's a church site that was burnt down in the revolutionary war and rebuilt and burnt down again during the civil war. Now it's just basically ruins. Other suggestions already listed. Definitely try to hit up Hilton Head. Great bar at the Holiday Inn called the Tiki Hut. Right on the beach and always have live music. Savannah is only about 40 minutes away and river street is pretty awesome down there. Have fun!
  3. Thanks for the link. I didn't know about the veteran upgrade. Just requested to join the group.
  4. I just ordered mine for my two seats. Even though my seasons are in Sec 127 and in the fold down seats they would get pretty uncomfortable and cold during the winter. Hell, it's 100 bucks for 2 for the season. Well worth it to me to not hear my gf say she's wet and cold!
  5. Lebron actually went to 4 consecutive finals in Miami. Back to back wins with a loss in the first and last.
  6. Wednesday's episode was the best of the season I think. Glad to see Jessica Lange got a Golden Globe nod, she's amazing in this series.
  7. Thank you. I had hoped we'd at least be competitive this year but we aren't even that. I could justify it if there were some kind of hope but we just keep going backwards year after year.
  8. I think I'll eat my $150 deposit for the two tickets and watch in a bar. They suck and they will suck for the forseeable future. We need a QB, HC, OC, DC and too many other things to list. It was going to be my retirement gift to myself but I'm not wasting $1200 plus gas and expenses to drive from Olean to Buffalo each week for this sorry ass product.
  9. Fitzpatrick needs to learn what read progression is. How many times did he look at Stevie and stare at Stevie and then throw to Stevie incomplete without ever looking at the rest of the field? The Bills offense is just too predictable and that falls on both Fitz and Gailey. He calls a stojan game every week. Minus the punt return the D actually looked decent today.
  10. I thought they revealed maybe too much in the first episode but it took a left turn last week. Love this show and yes, Jessica Lange is amazing! Looking forward to tonight because I like where they went with the possession angle. Hope the hot nun gets nasty...lol..
  11. Anybody watching? Last season was awesome and this one doesn't look to disappoint either! Very well written show and Jessica Lange is amazing...
  12. http://news.yahoo.com/maine-town-abuzz-john-suspect-names-released-062725080.html
  13. #1 Kevin Hart....because he's funny as sh*t... #2 Gary Owen...see his bit on "black church" #3 Amy Schumer... She's hot and killed it during Roseanne's roast
  14. I watched it. I liked it overall. It's a little drug out and over produced but what they were doing is pretty real to life.
  15. Now here's something I'm glad hasn't changed! lol....
  16. It's good to be back! I'm at Parris Island SC now and retire next year with 25 years in. It's time to go. Moving back to WNY in February! Can't wait. But thanks everyone. I've missed it.
  17. It's been about 4 years since I've really been on this board due to being in Okinawa and it being blocked at work but I see not much has changed. 1st preseason game and many of you think we should just give up the season. We didn't run the ball with the first team offense and are evaluating talent. Get a grip people.... and if you want off the bandwagon get off, there will be plenty jumping on as the season gets along!
  18. Thanks Pooj. Just wasted an hour of work watching all these videos.... This one's pretty awesome too!
  19. Nice to see someone from my hometown team go in the first round! Orlando Magic at 19...
  20. Not from "Buffalo" but was born and raised in Olean. I love WNY and have been gone since 88 when I joined the Marines. I retire 1 June of next year and really want to move back. The people of WNY are amazing and the memories of growing up there never leave me. From the 4 seasons, to the small town feel there is nothing I dislike about the area. There may not be much work, or opportunity, and taxes may suck but I don't care if I end up in bankruptsy, it's home and where I will be for good and I can't wait. The food is amazing and the hills of the southern tier during the fall cannot be beat.
  21. Not completely clean but not bad and EXTREMELY funny is Gary Owen! Check out his clip "black church"... Really funny stuff.
  22. Wonder why they aren't selling authentic jerseys? Only replica's?
  23. Can't remember what they're called because I haven't lived in WNY in so long but they were these red hot chips. Bright red with spices and super hot! Damn I miss those chips.
  24. Ok, this has bothered me forever. Why does Randy Jackson have the super white porcelains on his top teeth but his bottom teeth look like a stick of butter? Does nobody tell him this? It's annoying every time he talks. And a VERY good friend of mine and her sister are trying out next month for the Amazing Race. She's a WNY'er!! Hope she makes it.
  25. I'm all over this show. Ghost Adventures is my favorite show on right now.
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