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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Anyone stay up to watch last night? I recorded it and will watch tonight but I can't wait for this season. Love the show.... Great writing and a very talented cast. Just wondering if anyone who watched thought it lived up to the hype it's getting for this season? Supposed to be the scariest and creepiest yet.
  2. I'm stoked for this. My favorite show on TV! Along with American Horror Story.
  3. Just wondering what you guys do and why you're working on Saturday. I miss the Marines when I had weekends and holidays off...lol.. Now I'm a lowly business/finance manager at a car dealership which is why I'm working on Saturday.
  4. I'm not saying the teachers were right. I agree they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But I also believe at 16 he was fully aware of what he was doing. 16 is of legal consent in many states.
  5. I wouldn't exactly call it "rape" as the kid was 16 and running around bragging about bangin teachers. But I understand what you're trying to say. If it was a male teacher he'd be strung up...
  6. I learned something today. Didn't realize this since I've had seasons since I retired and moved back to WNY. Stupid question then I guess...
  7. Just wondering how big a hit you guys think Sunday Ticket will take should they lift the black out rule. I know some live out of market and get it for that reason and the fantasy players will probably keep it. But I'm curious if Directv is stressing about this potential ruling.
  8. http://ridethepine.com/bleacher-babe/directv-genie-hannah-davis/ Derek Jeters gf...
  9. Jeter has been the face of baseball for the last 20 years. I think he deserves the accolades he's getting. Playing 20 years in NY and with all he's done not just for baseball but for charity too? Yeah, I'll listen to that all day.
  10. Bruce used to be kind of a dick. When I scammed my press passes to the pro bowl in 94 Bruce was there, along with Andre, Tasker and Thurman. Being a huge Bills fan and Marine stationed there I went and bought all the Bills players really nice Marine t-shirts. Tasker, Andre and Thurman were VERY appreciative and cool towards me. Actually Andre stole me a pro bowl game ball and signed it for me. And Tasker brought me out some game gear and signed it. But Bruce, when I approached him to give him his shirt looked at me and muttered "what I suppose you want me to sign everything in your bag now?" After I said, "no, I'm just a big fan who knows you guys get asked for things all the time and being a Marine, I wanted to do something FOR my favorite players instead." After that he felt like an ass and was super cool to me the rest of the week...lol..
  11. Didn't bring the camera because I was expecting much worse weather.
  12. No... But I have pics with both of them back in their Pro Bowl days that I had blown up and autographed. I scammed press passes 2 years in a row... but my phone was dead so I couldn't snap a pic.
  13. They were walking the concourse outside section 127. Both were being pretty friendly with the fans. Bruce shook my hand. Just kinda cool to see.
  14. http://pix11.com/2014/09/22/woman-gets-third-breast-implanted-calls-herself-jasmine-tridevil/
  15. Does anyone know if I can bring my Nikon with a 300 zoom lens into the stadium? I'd love to get some pics from the game but can't remember if there were rules on the size of the lens you can bring in...
  16. I know the internet has killed this mag, and that it was always late. I guess it's just a nostalgia thing for me as a kid and young adult looking forward to it during our glory years. Used to love the game pics and would hang them up on my bedroom wall.
  17. Took the time to fill it out. The biggest complaint I had, after not going to any preseason games, was the scoreboard. It was talked about on here but I bashed it pretty good in the survey. If I had to watch those people "wash a window" one more time I was going to lose it. Don't know why they don't use more of it for replays and game coverage. Dumb. Pay all that money for a huge screen and use only the same size for that stuff as the old one. On a positive note, I liked the seat cushions...
  18. I used to love that magazine....
  19. I'm 45 and my gf is 23. Had some struggles at first but we're doing great now. She has a 3 year old so she's more mature than most her age.
  20. I'm watching too. Love this show.
  21. Nit pick all you want. "EJ isn't good enough", can we beat this team or that team...etc... I'm just happy and enjoying this season thus far. Everyone bashed after preseason with how poorly we played. But the last few weeks showed the FO and coaches knew what they were doing. Are we going to go undefeated? No, and will we make the playoffs? Who knows! But if this team can maintain focus from week to week and play to their potential, barring major injuries I like where this team is going and am excited to have football relevance back in Buffalo. I think the key with a young team like this will be how they bounce back after a loss emotionally and whether they can let it go, work on mistakes and focus on the following week. Call me overly optimistic or "drinking the kool aid" or whatever you wish but I'm happy with how this team has looked, the confidence they have and the way they are all rallying around each other. No selfishness, just TEAM play! GO BILLS!!
  22. I think so too! What do ya gotta do to get some respect around here!
  23. I agree AD! I've been b!tch!ng about it for a while to no avail!
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