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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. The kitchen is pretty bad ass.
  2. 30 years ago today they released this video!
  3. Didn't catch that.
  4. Glen and Maggie are wigged out by Ricks brutality. That's why they left IMO.
  5. I can't remember but was Andrea ever actually seen killed? Could it be her returning?
  6. Didn't show who he returned with but that would be interesting if it was Morgan. But then the question would be where is Carol and Beth. There are a lot of different directions they could go with that.
  7. I believe Beth is there, and maybe Carol is with her hidden because Beth is brainwashed?
  8. Be careful of "bearing gifts". The mom may look at it like you're trying to buy her. Something small could be ok. My gf has a 3 year old and my kids are grown so it was a little hard for me. You're fortunate in that you haven't had kids so you don't really know what to expect. For me it's difficult because my gf's daughter is quite spoiled and her "terrible 2's" have extended into her 3's. Even though they live with me it's difficult because I'm not her parent so I leave the "discipline" to my gf. And she's much younger than I am so her idea of discipline and the way I raised my kids are much different. lol... So that's my challenge. But kids are a wonderful thing and if this lasts you'll find yourself becoming quickly attached to her child and it will be a very rewarding experience for you.
  9. Iron Maiden... One of my all time favorite bands..
  10. I used to have to get it every year when I was on active duty. I found if I got the shot I was ok, if I had to get the mist up the nose I'd get sick. So I started telling them every year I had a pregnant gf at home so I could get the shot with the needle. Didn't get one last year after I retired and was ok, probably won't get one this year either.
  11. Another great episode last night! Twisty is creepy as hell...
  12. I hear you there. TWD premier being so good made the sulking after the game go away...lol..
  13. I don't think that's right. They buried the weapons by the fence surrounding terminus, not by the railroad tracks. I could be wrong, I believe the markings are something that Morgan is following, a "bread crumb" someone is leaving. The Morgan scene seems like it's shortly after the crew leaves. But you can tell the mud is dry on the terminus sign and the tree marking is fresh, so there's a time lapse between those scenes. could be someone is following the crew... You might be right. I read that in one of the after show reviews..
  14. Those are awesome!
  15. I didn't at first either. Read a recap of the show (which I often do to pick up on the little things I missed) and that's where I saw it. Then when you re-watch it you get it.
  16. The crazy guy Rick let out of the trailer with the tats on his face and beard was the guy in the flashback that took the girl out of the train car. He got chomped as soon as he got out so he won't be an issue.
  17. I've heard that if you're a male and contract Ebola, even if you beat it you have to wear a condom from that point forward during sex because you will always be a carrier and can pass it on. Not sure if it's true but it's scary either way.
  18. Overall I'm happy with Orton's play. But I will say this. That one sack he took was horrendous. The defender sprinted 10 yards directly towards him and he NEVER MOVED! It was weird, like he was frozen in time or something. How do you not see the guy running that far straight at you and just stand there like you were looking into Medusa's eyes?
  19. The marking on the tree was where the weapons were buried. Darryl made it and they pointed at it when they were going to dig up the weapons after they escaped. Morgan just saw it and followed it into the woods.
  20. The biggest problem with the series premier last night was it was too damn short! What an awesome start to the season!
  21. Lol.. Well between not being able to quote and view any files this site is getting frustrating.
  22. Watched the first episode last night. So glad I dvr this show because I hate commercials. But I really liked the first episode. Getting right into it which I love. Already had mad murders, a couple sex scenes and introduced a lot of the characters. Should be a great season.
  23. Am I doing something wrong? When I used to regularly post on here if I clicked on the "quote" button I would get the persons post to reply to. Now if I click the quote button and reply only my reply shows up. What the hell am I missing?
  24. Sometimes it takes a few episodes to get into it. You actually missed the first season if you first saw it in the mental ward. The first season was the haunted house. I thought the Coven was the worst season so far but hoping this one lives up to expectations.
  25. Because you didn't like it? I can never stay awake for it all when it starts at 10.. Especially last night being an hour and a half.
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