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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Heard somewhere, don't remember, that they have not and will not ever use the word "zombie" in the show.
  2. I wasn't surprised it was who it was. With all the leaks about Norman Reedus "crying for an hour before filming the scene" and the other spoilers that the actors were saying like "have your tissues ready". I was very surprised they let the actors say as much as they did before the episode. Just sucks we have to wait until February until it comes back on. With American Horror Story being so lame this year TWD was the only show I continually looked forward to.
  3. So incredibly proud of this fan base. Also shows how every little bit helps. To get over 100000 in that amount of time is amazing.
  4. Almost halfway in a day. Why I've always been proud to be a Bills fan. It's more than just football for us.....
  5. I just don't get some of you. The memories I have of Darryl Talley are priceless. One of my all time favorite Bills. We all struggle. I'm on the verge of bankruptcy since I retired. I simply cannot pay all my bills but I can squeeze out a small donation for someone who is a part of our "family" and is struggling. This isn't about the money he made when he played, or decisions that were made since, it's about helping one of our own and doing something good to help someone in need. I just don't get it. Spent more than half my life defending this country and the opinions of some make me sick and ashamed. Especially some of the comments made on his GoFundMe page. If you don't want to give or don't believe in the cause don't chastise us that do and keep you damn opinions to yourself. <end rant>
  6. Loved the play where Mario was pointing out the false start and after pointing for a few seconds with no flag, took off and ran down Vick on the other side of the field for the sack. He has been an absolute beast.
  7. Mine was Kiss Alive II... Mostly because I was a huge Kiss fan and my Grandmother bought the album for me and then commenced to chastising me for the cover, calling it "Devils music" lol... But I was always her favorite so she got it for me anyway....
  8. Wow... What a waste.
  9. Steve Perry of Journey.(back in the day)
  10. Sorry if already talked about but didn't see it. If the game is moved to a new location will the Bills do anything compensation wise for season ticket holders? I'd hate to just lose out on the cost of my 2 seats.
  11. I would like to add Pat Benetar and Ann Wilson from Heart.
  12. Could always try this!
  13. How many veterans do we have on this board? Thank you to all of you. I'll start: US Marines May 88- June 13
  14. That makes sense. But that's what a DVR is for. I always record it and watch it at 10 anyway because I'm too impatient to wait through commercials.
  15. My problem with doing that is that EJ is now learning. If Orton can't get us through the rest of this month winning while we are in the weakest stretch of our schedule how is it going to help EJ to throw him in there against the Denver's and Green Bay's of the league? I say play Orton the rest of this year and continue to let EJ be mentored and learn. Something he hadn't had the opportunity to do from the start.
  16. Rosita and Beth? I could be down for that!
  17. The lemonade flavored Dew is awful.
  18. Unfortunately my favorite ever steak place is now closed. It was Lucia's in Olean and their porterhouse would come out hanging over the edges of the plate. Perfectly cooked and the best butter sauce I've ever had topping it. Damn I miss that place.
  19. Only 3 episodes left in the FIRST HALF of the season! I don't know why they do that ridiculous "mid-season break" until sometime in January or so every year. That's the only thing I hate about this show!
  20. Didn't read through all the posts but in fairness to the people at the game. When they showed the false start on the jumbotron they only showed the upper half of the line. So we didn't see any flinch. After watching the replay on tv after getting home I see it was a good call. Ticky tack? Maybe but it was the right call. The non-call on the hit out of bounds was a little ridiculous. But we gave that game away. You could feel it happening in the stadium. At the start of the fourth it was kind of eerie in the stadium..
  21. I personally only use Cutco knives..
  22. I'm wondering if Carol wasn't "planted" inside to rescue Beth. I'm thinking Noah was found by Carol and Daryl and she volunteered to get "inside" to save Beth because they are less intimidated by women on the inside.
  23. I'm wondering if Carol is going to be the "hero" this whole season. They keep throwing her into these situations. I also agree that it's Noah with Daryl. Seems fairly obvious at this point thus ending that cliffhanger.
  24. Hated this episode. Was slow and drawn out. Acting was pretty bad too.
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