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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. No. Especially not the first version. Already hearing buzz about possible battery issues with both the watch and it draining your phone. But typically the second generation of these devices have more features than the first and I don't have the cash to spend to basically put the iphone I already have into a small version I wear on my wrist.
  2. I signed it not because I think it will change anything or because I think it would be a good business decision to keep him. I signed it simply to show my love and respect for Fred Jackson.
  3. Make sure you sample the fresh prailines on River Street. There is also a cool dueling piano bar off River Street called Savannah Smiles. Really good time.
  4. She's hot as a blonde on the show but wowser as a red head!
  5. I saw the tattoo too. I believe it was an owl.
  6. Nice try! lol... But having been to Thailand I can say there were a lot of surprised Marines during that deployment. (Myself NOT included for the record!)
  7. I'm the finance manager at a Jeep dealership. We can't keep the new Cherokees on the lot. Very popular. Are there better vehicles? I'm sure there are. But a lot of people here in Olean buy them and love them.
  8. EJ will be cut and here's why. I bought his jersey year one.
  9. Pretty sweet. It just looks weird to me with the Buffalo going towards the back.
  10. My question was with the gun he put in the blender. I can't remember the initial but there was something etched into the pistol grip. I thought it was a J but could be mistaken. And why put it in the blender? Wonder what significance this will have down the road.
  11. I was on Funeral Detail in NC and had the honor of burying one of the survivors of Iwo Jima at the national cemetary in Wilmington. Very emotional day. Semper Fi!
  12. I am a HUGE fan of Banshee! GREAT show. I would highly recommend this if anyone is looking for something new to watch. About halfway through season 3 now but the first two are on demand through Directv.
  13. This is also one of my favorite shows on TV. I can't wait for Thursday night!
  14. I agree. I love the show but there have been some very slow episodes. I guess there's got to be quite a challenge to keep the show fresh. Only so many directions they can go. But scuttlebutt has them reaching Alexandria and being there for quite some time. I don't know how true it is but that's the rumor now.
  15. Last night's show was a snoozer....
  16. It was -23 this morning in Olean. It's stupid cold right now.
  17. God Bless Derek Jeter for hitting that! Lucky b@st@rd...
  18. ^^This. Not starting a war. Just voicing my opinion. I don't care if people want to believe in evolution but it's my right (something I fought 25 years for in the Marines) to believe in God and creation. And in today's politically correct world where kids can't even pray in school or where they don't say the pledge of allegiance because of who it may offend I found it interesting that a commercial was aired during the super bowl that had a basis of evolution. Just my opinion. So Steve while I respect your belief, you don't see me calling you absurd for not believing like I do.
  19. That commercial irked me. Was a strong indication of evolution in that talking about us "coming from the sea". As a Christian that commercial rubbed me the wrong way for sure.
  20. I need to take into account the mophie case too. I'm on my phone all the time and couldn't survive without the mophie on my 5. But they aren't as bulky as the otter box cases.
  21. Thanks! I just like the bigger screen and new options it has. Do you have the 6 plus or the 6? My GM just got the 6 and it's a little bigger and I've heard some negatives about the plus but I like the idea of the larger screen.
  22. Well I could see some bigger pics of Kate Upton on that iPhone screen!
  23. I currently have the iphone 5 and am eligible for an upgrade. Thinking of the 6+. I love my iphone and there's nothing wrong with it. Just intrigued by the size and abilities of the 6+. Anyone have one and what do you think of it?
  24. Apple and I personally love the crumble! Second would be cherry. I'm old school.
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