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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Can't argue number 1! But damn that's not a very flattering pic of Emilia Clarke. She's way hotter than that picture portrays!
  2. I've had several bikes. I got my motorcycle license before my car license. I've had everything from crotch rockets to small cruisers to large cruisers. My biggest regret in life is getting rid of my Harley Davidson Fatboy. It was an 1100 but was so well balanced it drove like a dream. The only downfall was on long rides, without a windshield, it would get tiring because you're battling the wind. What I learned is if you think you may want a Harley or any particular bike in the future get it now. The learning curve isn't bad as once you learn to balance and ride any bike will be easy to adjust to. If you're taking a beginners course at a CC they usually have their own bikes that are a smaller cruiser type bike. You'll gain plenty of confidence throughout that course to feel comfortable riding. One other thing. Unless you buy one equipped with after market pipes I would highly suggest getting them. Yes they are loud but what a lot of people don't understand is it's for your protection. If a car can hear you they are much more likely to look for you. If they can't you can be difficult to see for obvious reasons. Good luck!
  3. I let my seasons go this year in section 127 because I just couldn't afford them. Looked yesterday to see if there were any upper's that were cheaper and according to the website all 100 and 200 seats are sold and the uppers are almost as expensive as my 100 level seats were last year. Seats that my friends got for 300 last year in the 300 section are going for 550+ this year. Damn...
  4. +1 I was there too. Great moment in the wake of that loss.
  5. I'm in lust with Donna.
  6. I love the show! Have watched it from the beginning.
  7. Can we please just lose tonight and get this over with?
  8. Sorry for your loss Steve. Prayers for you and your family.
  9. It was filed in NC, and by a very savvy divorce lawyer. Was told by my lawyer I couldn't fight it unless she was willing to sign paperwork waiving her right to it.
  10. On the Talking Dead you could see Rick's kill was with the gun. It was muffled because it was deep in the walker's head. But you could clearly see it on the Talking Dead when they showed it in slow motion.
  11. There could be extenuating circumstances like that to allow the military member to fight it. But I had no such case. The law is designed to protect spouses who have to move every 3 years and can't establish a career. My ex, however, was civil service and moved up every time I moved. Didn't matter though, still had to pay it to her.
  12. There's nothing I can do. Federal Military Spouse Protection Act. After 10 years of marriage they are automatically entitled to 50% unless they sign it away. No way my ex wife is going to freely give up 1600 a month. Plus I pay that regardless if she remarries or not. It's disgusting. I'm about 60 grand in the hole.
  13. Thankfully I don't owe on anything like that.
  14. Looks like a "selfie" with Jake Gyllenhall (sp) in the background.
  15. But once it goes to collections can't they garnish wages or taxes? My credit is already shot.
  16. Thanks everyone for the advice. A lot to think about. I may go talk to a bankruptcy lawyer next week just to root through my options. I've tried to negotiate with my creditors but the minimums they're putting on me I can't even pay. The worst part is that I didn't just charge money on vacations and partying. I was forced to use it for living expenses after my divorce and a very bad relationship afterwards.
  17. This is a concern too. The job I have would be fine and I could survive if I didn't have the debt hanging over my head. I wouldn't lose it in filing. I've also thought about another job but I don't have time. I'm already working 50+ hours here. I'd work 3 if I could to avoid filing but it's just not feasible. It's not easy for me to ask for help. As far as building credit. I wouldn't file on my car so continuing to pay that off will build me back up fairly quickly. And in reference to the debt counseling, I know how to handle my money. It was just a nasty divorce that forced me to live on credit cards for a while and that's what buried me. Thanks all for the advice and concern.
  18. Since I retired from the Marines I've struggled financially. I have an ex wife that gets half my retirement or this wouldn't even be an issue but I have some pretty large debts that I cannot pay due to my job. I've never been late on any payments up until the last 3 or 4 months and now have things going to collections and simply am not making enough money to pay everything. I'm considering filing bankruptcy but my pride is making it difficult. I work as a finance manager on a 100% commission basis at a car dealership and I know there are a lot of smart people on here. Please keep non-constructive comments to yourself. This isn't something I'd normally put on a message board but this place is more like family (dysfunctional maybe) but still family. I'm looking for support and advice. Has anyone filed in NY before? Or known someone who has? Is the process difficult? I know it'll hurt my ability to get any loans or anything for a while but I have everything I need right now. Any insight would be appreciated.
  19. This is really cool...http://hdontap.com/index.php/video/stream/bald-eagle-live-cam
  20. She's a mother of 2? She looks 16... But yes. I'd do her.
  21. I will never support Nickelback. Not just because their music sucks but years ago they were supposed to play the 4th of July at Camp Lejeune. The DAY BEFORE THE EVENT they cancelled because the base wouldn't meet their ridiculous "demands" for swag and perks for performing. This was during the middle of the Iraq war. Screw them guys.
  22. Yep, it was a joke. Didn't go into the comments...My bad... Of course I wasn't seeing Sportsnation as reporting like the "Onion" either.
  23. Yes. I miss that area. Can you believe I retired from there and moved back to WNY? lol...
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