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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Assuming it's a female without pics it's not true!
  2. I live in WNY/Southern Tier. Olean. You can't find the stuff within a 50 mile radius. I don't like it either. I have a buddy that's obsessed with it but I agree with you and Pooj.. I think it's awful...
  3. Seems this "Not Your Fathers Root Beer" is really popular right now. It sells out as fast as it's put on the shelves. Expensive too... 12 bucks a sixer. I personally don't see the appeal. Would give me heartburn after one.
  4. Fear The Walking Dead starts next month! Don't forget about that one!
  5. I'm personally more excited about getting Eichel than McDavid. This kid is going to be something special.
  6. Having been stationed in both the mainland Japan and Okinawa for 6 years this doesn't surprise me. I saw so many things within the Japanese culture that made me scratch my head it's mind blowing!
  7. Just got confirmation from Channel 2 news out of Buffalo they are looking for them in Allegany County right now. We heard earlier they were possibly spotted walking on the tracks in Friendship NY which is about 20 minutes from me. Might be time to camo up and go on a recon mission!
  8. It's a pretty sad state of Tiger's game when a 14 year old bests him by 3 shots.
  9. If you are a fan of Horror Insidious 3 was really good. Better than the first two in my opinion.
  10. This Florida thing bugs me. The kid played hoops for an hour and a half until his parents got home? Oh no!! When I was that age I ran all over the neighborhood and the only thing I had to do was be home before the street lights came on. Felony charges? Way to go Florida!
  11. "Typical man... You said it was THIS big!"
  12. I hope to God he doesn't go back to school.
  13. Having just retired after spending 25 years in I beg to differ. I would go back in if I could and there are many brave young men and women that proudly serve. Now a draft would be a whole other situation. I agree on that part, because I could see a lot of running and excuses...
  14. http://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/betsy-palmer-dies-was-killer-cook-in-friday-the-13th/ar-BBksW84 Movie scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.
  15. I clicked fully expecting to see the Peter Pan pic! lol
  16. Is there even really a question there?
  17. Anybody watching Wayward Pines? It's not bad so far.
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/mother-found-pushing-dead-toddler-swing-maryland-park-222224204.html
  19. I went and saw it last night. I thought it was good but.... To me, although full of action, it was like the whole movie was the same thing. I found it got a little redundant after a while. Just my opinion though.
  20. All of which probably weren't even football fans 10 years ago.
  21. Work until at least 4. Then going to try and sneak 9 in after.
  22. I dated one and didn't figure it out until I came home from work one day with my apartment EMPTY! And I have a Psych degree.
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