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Posts posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want them to just keep all three- at least from a football perspective (I understand there is the cap argument). I mean, everyone knew what Cassel was, he was better than Manuel throughout the entirety of camp, Manuel shined in the last preseason game but it's not like Cassel completely sucked. He still only threw two incomplete passes, one of which was a blatant drop. I just don't understand how anyone could hate Cassel now more than before he got to town. It seems to me like the EJ folks lost out on the starting QB sweepstakes, so instead to feel better about themselves, are piling on Cassel and their new victory would be if the Bills cut him. I hope they keep all three.

    Actually EJ looked good in every preseason game. He has VASTLY improved under proper coaching and with hard work. Cassel is a "you get what you see" type of QB. No excitement at all, can't move in the pocket to escape pressure, constant check down passes, just very boring to watch. I'd rather have a big play type QB than someone who will constantly have us in 3rd down situations. I could have his completion percentages with the distance he had to throw the ball. I wanted EJ to start, but am happy and will support TT. But I don't think Cassel is worth the roster spot or the salary he's going to get to be a 3rd option, nor do I think he beat out EJ for the 2. You talk about a blatant drop of a pass for Cassel but how many drops did EJ suffer from and he still put up great numbers.

  2. Is it just me or did all the good comics seem to get eliminated last night?


    I guess I will cheer for Clayton now but this years comics are so weak compared to last season.



    I mean last year we had Rodman, Loughlan Patterson, Rocky Laporte, and Joe Machi



    This year sucks and please tell me why Dominique is still on this show??


    Is their a clause in the contract that every year they have to have a Nikki Carr look a like in the final? I mean we have sufferend enough!





    Doninique is awful and to me, not even the slightest bit funny.

  3. I don't need anything. Except this ashtray.

    And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray...


    And this paddle game. - The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need...


    And this remote control. - The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need...


    And these matches. - The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddle ball...


    And this lamp. - The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all *I* need.


    And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The paddle game and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches for sure.


    Well what are you looking at?



    :lol: Great movie!


    Is it better to deal with the financial manager (dealership) or go straight to the office holding the service package?

    If you want to cancel your service/maintenance contract you should go to the finance manager. You will need to do an odometer statement and that's what is sent to the service contract company used to cancel. If you've already done this I would contact the service contract company directly to find out the status of your cancellation and refund.

  5. I'm a Business/Finance Manager at a dealership. You can cancel a service contract anytime and if you simply cancel it on the car you're paying on the refund will go to the bank. I'm not sure what company was used for your package but I know the one we use takes 4-6 weeks to issue a refund. If you were trading the car and cancelled your service contract the refund would come to you because the loan it's under would be paid off by the dealership. You're best bet would be to contact the warranty company from which you cancelled to see the status of the refund. I know at my dealership they are sent right away but I can see dealerships delaying the process because there is a "chargeback" on that profit.


    It's one of the things I hate about this job is that there are very "shady" finance people out there and that's something I have to overcome. I'm one of the few honest ones but I have a military retirement and VA disability check that comes in every month so I'm not desperate to make money. But keep in mind that most Finance Managers are only paid on profit from extended service contracts and maintenance packages. Yet rate can be marked up a certain percentage and they are paid on that profit too, however, all the warranty or environmental packages (undercoating, rust proofing...etc..) we sell are well worth the money we charge. We don't gouge our customers.

    Two things:


    1) Typically, a dealer (or anyone arranging financing for you) has to give you either a good faith estimate of costs or a Truth in Lending form which shows the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) for your loan. APR is the interest rate plus closing costs that gives you a snapshot of the cost of your loan over the term. There are many, many laws out there that control when the TIL must be given or signed (mostly in the real estate field but I'm thinking there are some regulations re. car loans and consumer credit transactions like this as well.) Had you seen an accurate Good Faith Estimate or a TIL when you signed, you would have seen a percentage interest rate that was wayyyyy higher than they promised. If they didn't have you sign one, then see Item 2 below.


    2) The best department to call in NYS is the NYS Banking Department. Anyone lending money (and any party receiving a commission on financing packages like a dealer) are governed by very strict laws that require certain disclosures. If they didn't provide you with all the information or if your request to cancel the maintenance package is not be addressed, the Banking Department can provide some good influence which may speed things up (because car dealers make a ton of dough off financing packages (for instance, when you finance a car at 3%, their "partner bank" may only be loaning the money to the dealer at 1.5% - meaning the dealer is making 1 1/2 % on your deal over 5 years. Therefore, if you threaten their livelihood as far as financing goes for other sales, they may respond a lot quicker....especially if the State Banking Department investigates or makes a few calls.


    Just my opinion.

    You're pretty accurate Fergy. The bank contract the customer signs shows all the information such as APR, total interest paid over the loan, monthly payments etc... Many times when a customer is quoted a price an "average" interest rate is used because until credit is ran and the deal is submitted to the bank the actual interest rate is not known. Sometimes their credit warrants a better rate and sometimes the rate can come back higher. We don't know what a customers debt to income ratio is when it's sent and that can effect rate. So a customer can have a 700 credit score and get a higher rate because DTI or PTI (payment to income) may cause the rate to be a little higher.


    We're not all crooks! :thumbsup:

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