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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Speaking of Zombies. Resident Evil part 2 starts this week. Milla is HOT!!
  2. It also killed me that every time they showed his stupid ass on ESPon before his announcement, they showed him highstepping at the Ralph after a punt return for a touchdown..... jerk...
  3. Levy would be my first choice and then Mularkey.....
  4. Only cause he decked Gilbride...
  5. I hope he makes it to our game so someone on the Bills can put his sorry ass out of commission. He just simply craves attention and this is the new way to do it. It's pretty funny that he asked for outrageous money and the network said no way, now all of a sudden he "feels the passion" again? Give me a freaking break. Hey Sanders.... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: .... I love that smilie...
  6. That's freaking hilarious.... You guys are a trip.
  7. This isn't last year. I still hope we score 40 points.
  8. ICE that's not like you. Mark IV posted it over a week ago. I missed it and posted it this morning when I saw the article too. It's great to see though. Awesome veteran leadership. B)
  9. Done. However with over 117,000 votes I think we'll need the whole western half of NY to vote for him to make a difference.
  10. Yeah, well I have less than two years and my little girl will be off to college. It goes so fast so enjoy the ride.
  11. Let's hope not. And I apologize to Mark IV. I didn't see your other post on this. My bad...
  12. That's awesome and exactly the type of leadership we need from Vincent. I am also impressed with Evans eagerness and willingness to do what's expected and needed for him to be successful. Kudos to both.... B)
  13. Bump for a reminder. It's tonight!!
  14. I'm with you all the way.... Hey Patsies.... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. Actually I'm still in. That's why I won't be AT the opener. I'll be there in spirit though.
  16. I hope we score 40 points!
  17. I heard on the radio this morning that some idiot was selling "Hurricane Frances wind" on ebay. There were actually bids on this. They had pictures of people in the storm with tupperware bowls gathering "wind". What a bunch of idiots.....
  18. I feel we will win as well but it just got so frusterating last year expecting to win every week and getting shot down. It is funny though, being more nervous for week one than I was for my deployment.
  19. I for one am a little nervous. I don't know if it's anticipation, hope, or what but I'm getting butterflies already and it's only Wednesday. I think I'd be even more nervous if I was going to the game but I just pray we play well this year and avoid major injuries to starters. GO BILLS!!
  20. No need to type that.... all you have to do is... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  21. Congratulations.... Hope your luck spills onto the Bills this year.
  22. Enjoy him Jints... Sullivan = RJ
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