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Posts posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Oh it's a joke alright, but it's certainly not funny to me... :huh:


    They (the "HOF") make a mockery out of the words "Rock and Roll." Randy freaking Newman??? You've got to be kidding me...But there are worse examples I guess...


    I did not reaize VH was eligible yet, then I went and looked at my VH 1 CD and it was a 1978 release. How in Gods name does VH not get in almost immediately? What...did Eddie not have enough influence on Rock Guitar? What a joke...And I'm not even going to get into the Sabbath thing because that is simply a travesty. Sabbath should have gone in directly behind Led Zep as far as I'm concerned. Their influence on Hard Rock was SO significant...just ask Chris Cornell...


    Anyway, the other one that has had me despising this farce for years is of coarse KISS. I mean, like them or hate them, how in the hell can you not include KISS in the R&R Hall of Fame if for nothing else the massive following they maintained forever...


    I can go into a LONG list of inducties who should have been embarassed to get in before Sabbath, KISS, and VH for God's sake....Ugh, this just pisses me off so much everytime I talk about it I can barely type....


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: R&R HOF



    KISS isn't in either? What a fuggin joke. KISS is legendary just like Aerosmith and Zeppelin. Go to their concerts and you'll see people from 8-50 at those shows.

  2. OK, forget about how many points he may have cost us.  How many points was he responsible for?


    I don't hate the guy, I just think our standards are too low for a guy that's supposed to be a superstar.  Example: What did Terrell Owens do for the Eagles on Sunday (2 TD catches?)  THAT'S the impact I'm talking about.



    Actually TO had 3 touchdowns. And I agree with you. As much talking as Moulds has done in the past and all he SHOULD be more of a playmaker. He seems timid now and maybe he's afraid of jacking up his leg again.

  3. I've had two Saturns and loved them both. I sold the first because of orders to Japan for 3 years. I didn't want to store it. I also sold the second for a bigger vehicle because of my kids getting bigger. They were great on gas and very reliable. Never had a problem with either of them. They hold a trade in value very well also. Another perk besides the dent proof sides. :D

  4. Basic Fundementals cost us a game, sorry if this has been posted!


    Per Chris Carter


    I have to talk about the Buffalo Bills' secondary. Stop trying to intercept the ball when the game is on the line! The Bills' defensive backs should have knocked down the ball on Jimmy Smith's 45-yard, fourth-down catch that kept the Jaguars' winning drive alive, and they should've knocked down the ball on Ernest Wilford's winning grab on fourth-and-goal from the 7. They had three guys on him. Someone go up and knock the ball down. You know they're going to go the end line. Make it easier on yourself. Use your head and knock the ball down again. Guys are always thinking about the stats. A knockdown in that situation is just as good as an interception. And you can jump higher trying to knock the ball down with one hand than trying to intercept the ball with two hands.



    Well no stevestojan Chris....

  5. I am and when are you coming?  Maybe I can get a couple players to meet your son before or after the game. Make the experience even more special.



    That would be awesome!! I'm probably driving up that Friday. I'll most likely stay with my Dad in Olean Saturday but was thinking of coming up to Buffalo Saturday afternoon and getting a hotel close to the stadium for gameday. Either way I'll be getting up really early to get to the stadium. My son would love that very much. (As would I) ;)

  6. Takeo was talking to my son on Saturday, he is so good with kids, and told him to check out his new website. He said it is mainly for the kids. As promised I told him we would check it out. It's still a work in progress.

    Takeo Spikes Website



    Too bad the gear page isn't working. I was going to order an autographed football for my son for Christmas. ;)

  7. I'm bringing my son to his first Bills game November 21st and was wondering who from the board will be there. I really hope to meet as many of you as possible and show my son as much fun as I always had growing up going to games. He's 11 and knows as much about the Bills as many current adult fans. Just let me know where to be and what to bring for the tailgate. I look forward to meeting all of you who will be there. ;)

  8. Another public ploy by Oprah to look like a hero. Pontiac donated all the cars, she didn't have a dime invested in it. Although she often gives money to people in need, many of these freebies are gifts of major corporations.



    Exactly.... you beat me to the punch. Oprah looks like super woman for this without having to pony up anything. I read the article and Pontiac also said they were going to pay all the taxes and customizing of all the vehicles for the guests. Way to go Pontiac!

  9. What do you think, dominant DEs grow on trees?  How many teams in today's NFL have a game-breaking DE on the roster?  The Patsies don't and they've won 2 of 3 SBs.  We have 3 good-very good DEs and a Bruce Smith type player isn't likely to fall into our laps any time soon.


    Lindell isn't good, but at least his kickoffs are deeper than they were last year.  This team led all game - right up till the last play.  We got screwed in typical Bills fasion.  Maybe this will use up some bad karma and we won't see another wide right/forward lateral anytime soon.




    ;):lol: Love the name!!!

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