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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Lindell's a bum and we've all been saying it for a long time. We NEED another kicker. He's going to cost us a lot of games this year. How can a professional kicker be under 50% between 40-49 yards? That's pathetic. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Lindell.
  2. That would be awesome!! I'm probably driving up that Friday. I'll most likely stay with my Dad in Olean Saturday but was thinking of coming up to Buffalo Saturday afternoon and getting a hotel close to the stadium for gameday. Either way I'll be getting up really early to get to the stadium. My son would love that very much. (As would I)
  3. Too bad the gear page isn't working. I was going to order an autographed football for my son for Christmas.
  4. I'm bringing my son to his first Bills game November 21st and was wondering who from the board will be there. I really hope to meet as many of you as possible and show my son as much fun as I always had growing up going to games. He's 11 and knows as much about the Bills as many current adult fans. Just let me know where to be and what to bring for the tailgate. I look forward to meeting all of you who will be there.
  5. I'm just glad it wasn't in the Yankee bullpen this time....
  6. Exactly.... you beat me to the punch. Oprah looks like super woman for this without having to pony up anything. I read the article and Pontiac also said they were going to pay all the taxes and customizing of all the vehicles for the guests. Way to go Pontiac!
  7. The PM feature is turned off for you for some reason. I just wanted to let you know I mailed you the check for the tickets last week. You should get it any day now. Please let me know when you recieve it. Thanks. Rob
  8. Pete, why in the hell would you open us Yankee fans up to this with that kind of post. Last time I checked we were still leading the AL East. Damn dude. Haven't you learned better than that on this board yet? The Yankees are going to be ok.
  9. Bill, may God Bless your entire family. You, Millie and your daughters will be in my prayers. And believe me, I have a lot of friends in Iraq right now that I pray for every night so adding your family to my prayer list will be my pleasure. God Bless.
  10. The radio coverage said that the play could be overturned. What they said was that when the official finished the review that the receiver WAS PUSHED out of bounds. From the replay I saw on ESPN, he wasn't pushed. I looked like momentum that carried him out. Can't say for sure but that's the way it looked to me. Can'd do anything about it now so I'm over it. Oh, the review came from "upstairs" as well.
  11. I would be happy that we won the game but there were some glaring questions that should be asked. Why didn't we stretch the field? Why did we play that soft defense on the last drive? Why does Lindell suck so bad? There are always questions to be asked and as fans we have a right to ask them. So to answer your question, I would be happy we won but I wouldn't be happy with all aspects of the game and the Bills performance.
  12. God I suck!!! 7-7 Damn!! At least I finished better than NavyBillsFan....
  13. We WILL win next week. Bills 31 Raiders 23.......... You heard it here first.
  14. I would never bet the Bills because no matter what the outcome your betting your heart which isn't a good thing.
  15. I have never understood the prevent defense and have always hated seeing it. I even hate seeing other teams play it. It's just a stupid defense. Coaches worry about giving up the big play so what do they do? They give up a stevestojan load of small plays that bust your ass just the same.
  16. I have never understood the prevent defense and have always hated seeing it. I even hate seeing other teams play it. It's just a stupid defense. Coaches worry about giving up the big play so what do they do? They give up a stevestojan load of small plays that bust your ass just the same.
  17. I take it you passed the breathalizer??
  18. All I know is that almost every time I do anything I get that irritating ass "server not found" message and have to hit refresh about 3 or 4 times before anything goes through. Is anyone else having problems?
  19. You people are unfreakin believable. We lose one game and you're already worried about when the Cowboys are going to draft our first round pick next year. Give me a damn break. You people are pathetic.
  20. I find it interesting that we have the number 2 defense, yet our opponent was 3 for 3 on 4th down conversions.
  21. What a bunch of window lickers.....
  22. I agree. I posted the same thing in another thread. I HATE the friggin prevent defense.
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