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Posts posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Okay, I know that the holding penalty/safety might not have made a direct difference in the game but indirectly it would have given the Bills 2 more points and the ball back. Granted, we did hold them and get the ball anyway but it might have swung some much needed momentum our way. With that said, I do have a question regarding the call.


    After the penalty was called, from which the referee stated that the hold started on the 1 yard line, shouldn't the Raiders have been given the ball at the 1/2 yard line? If so, why, unless I missed a play, did they have second down at the 2 yard line? Maybe I missed something (beer or piss run) but I don't think so.


    It seemed that everything that Murphy's Law was in full effect for the Bills yesterday and I just hope that during the bye week, MM has a "come to Jesus" meeting with a few players and coaches. One thing that NEEDS to be addressed is the stupid f**king penalties on special teams!!! Another NEED is to have every player mentally ready to play or find someone that is. The dumb ass play by Thomas downing the ball after CLEARLY wandering out of bounds was just completely uncalled for. Nice catch though on the fake punt, though anyone could have made that play.  :D



    First, the ball was placed at the two because the play started inside the ten therefore the penalty was "half the distance". I agree 100% about stupid ass penalties. They need to go back to high school for those type penalties and make those jackasses run sprints until they die after practice. Blew too awesome returns. !@#$!! :D

  2. I can't say too much with confidence as I had to listen to the game on the radio and couldn't actually see it but here's my two cents from what I heard. Yes, Bledsoe holds the ball too long sometimes. Yes, he isn't very mobile. Yes, he had NUMEROUS good passes dropped yesterday! Travis Henry played like stevestojan. Our offensive line sucks. How can you not make one yard for a touchdown? Spread the field to give a crease or play action pass. Reese got completely made a fool of on the pump fake. You never let a receiver get past you especially on a 3 and forever play. Damn! Being a Bills fan right now is more stressful than being deployed to a combat zone. I know, I've been there. It'sl like getting kicked in the nuts every week. If the Yankees wouldn't have spanked the stevestojan out of the Red Sox the last two days I'd be losing it right now. GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES BILLS AND GIVE US SOMETHING TO CHEER ABOUT. Take the week off to clear your heads and work a good gameplan for NE. GO BILLS!!!

  3. What it is that the Yankees SPANKED THE BEANTOWN PUNKS. Dont you think that PUNKS bring down the true image of baseball. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    Damon looks like a fuggin caveman....

  4. Don't flatter yourself the score of the game would have been the same even if you remained silent. Allowing the Yankee arrogance to get the better of you only removes any doubt as to what a fool you are.



    And what a chicken stevestojan B word you are hiding behind a guess post. If you're going to call someone a fool have the balls to do it with a registered post. B word!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  5. Its only a safe bet now to get past bills players. 


    As for conversation piece, try wearing a blue and gold lafontaine captain's home authentic CCM jersey around a school and see what they ask about!  Oh yeah, wear it at an elementary school in hope mills, nc.



    That's funny. I have an old school Mogilny authentic blue jersey. Mostly I get "the Sabres should go back to those jersey's".... :o


    Oh, and T, if you don't jump on that jersey I just might. That thing is SWEET!! :blush:

  6. Man if any of my teams in any year dont win im devestated. I think any real fan would be. You must not be to big on your spankees or your really not a fan which is fine. But its getting really dumb people bringing up 1918 all the friggen time when their team the SPANKEES arent doing fantastic. Jeez give it a break rico



    And this is getting really dumb too, idiot RedSux fans talking stevestojan about the Yankees not doing this or doing that and they still lead the Sux by 3.5 games. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: The Yankees are playing well but as much as I hate to admit it the Sux have been playing remarkably well.

  7. Everyone knows Clayton is a douche bag. Did anyone happen to catch sports center this morning when he and Salsbury went 4 downs? Everytime he started to talk all the nilitary personel started chanting BORING! BORING! He is universally hated. Never fear.



    That was set up. Way obvious. I was actually getting a little pissed because the debates between them are usually pretty good and I couldn't hear him. They agreed on everything this time anyway so I guess it's no biggie.

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