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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Congrats....
  2. Is Johnny Damon going to be there? OOps. My bad, I thought the thread said "UGLY BEAST WITH LONG HAIR"...
  3. That's funny. I have an old school Mogilny authentic blue jersey. Mostly I get "the Sabres should go back to those jersey's".... Oh, and T, if you don't jump on that jersey I just might. That thing is SWEET!!
  4. See what happens when you BoSux fans hope for something? Now we're in a fuggin rain delay......
  5. If the short game works then it'll slow up that blitzing and open up some down the field passes.
  6. Lesion?? What's he have scabies or something? How about lesson. Damn, don't they have proofreaders?
  7. And this is getting really dumb too, idiot RedSux fans talking stevestojan about the Yankees not doing this or doing that and they still lead the Sux by 3.5 games. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: The Yankees are playing well but as much as I hate to admit it the Sux have been playing remarkably well.
  8. That was set up. Way obvious. I was actually getting a little pissed because the debates between them are usually pretty good and I couldn't hear him. They agreed on everything this time anyway so I guess it's no biggie.
  9. I would never wish an injury on any player but I would wish for him to play like stevestojan for the season.
  10. I'm waaayyy on and the Bills will win, not only this weekend but nine more times after that.
  11. Thanks for the breaking news... It was posted this morning and is still on the board. May want to read the subjects before posting. Just a little advice.
  12. Welcome to the board.
  13. Not if they still have 13,000 tickets!!
  14. The Dolfags will be lucky to win 5 games this year.
  15. It inevitable. We have so much talent on this team that it's unfathomable for this team not to improve.
  16. Luckiest man on earth at that particular time...
  17. BF is right. They'll never go back and take anything away but I think the punishment was pretty bogus. It just encourages teams to try to get away with the stevestojan now. As a matter of fact.... Maybe they should check the Patriots cap...
  18. Can't we all get along? It should be a good weekend series this weekend and next.
  19. You beat me to it. I was going to inquire as well. I don't see this as a bad thing unless the "chicks" look like Rosie O'Donnell.
  20. You tell him.... Go Bills......and Yanks.....
  21. Dilbert has to be one of the best strips ever. It's funny and usually hits the nail on the head. Great stuff.
  22. It's over, get over it. So I guess nobody will route for hockey when they come back? Oh wait..... There aren't that many that route for hockey anyway.
  23. I would call them one hit wonders but since they didn't win last year I guess I can't do that.
  24. Better Carolina than us.... First their stud receiver and now their stud back? Sucks being them.
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