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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. authors edit------------ no twinkies!! Sorry typed too fast....
  2. The article said they will continue to operate their plants. Can you imagine western NY. First they take fried bologna out of the Ralph and now now twinkies?? Run for the hills!!!
  3. I think it's funny that you talk dog Bledsoe but have him as your avatar.
  4. This could work. You know what I see in your post though? You're saying our O-Line can't block for 2 seconds!! That's exactly what some of us who defend Drew have been saying. For the O-line to be that bad, missed blitz pickups and poor catching NO quaterback with the exception of a Vick could produce in this offense. Hell, start in the shotgun, or take a seven step drop. Create some time somehow.... I'm not saying that Drew has A LOT of work to do, because he does, but the rest of the offense has to get their heads out of their asses too!
  5. The grass isn't always greener...... Remember RJ?
  6. Holy stevestojan. Something we agree on. But you know as well as I do that Bledsoe throws deep much better than he throws short. He always has. I'm just saying to try to spread the field a little to open up the "box" and create some more opportunities.
  7. Always the optomist.... I'm with you 89.....
  8. Steve, you don't want Bledsoe to do good. Then you'd have absolutely nothing to talk about on this board.
  9. I'm with you Kota. Damn people. Think about this angle. Bledsoe doesn't have time to look down the field. Bledsoe is forced to dink and dung for short passes since the run is being stuffed. Bledsoe catches stevestojan because the offense doesn't move. Give Bledsoe some time, receivers do what the !@#$ you're paid to do and catch passes, spread the field and force the defense to get the hell out of the box and you will have production. I agree that they are hanging in the box but if we don't spread the field to force them out and give Bledsoe some time to hit receivers DOWN the field rather than five yards out we're going to get killed every game. A run defense works just fine when the passing game is within 5 yards of the LOS. Wake up!
  10. Not trying to defend Drew because he is sucking ass. I just think the offense collectively sucks and some are putting too much blame on Drew. I guess it's kindof like when I golf. If I play with someone who sucks I play like ass but if I play with a scratch or low handicapper I play to his level. Maybe if just one person on O would step it up we'd start to get it together.
  11. Colons? No. Punter? He is pretty good. Continuous Drew bashing with every problem of our team being his fault? NO! He has problems and isn't playing worth stevestojan right now but he's not the ONLY problem with this offense. To put all the blame directly on him is utterly rediculous.
  12. GREAT offseason workouts = "had a great interview" = GW = RJ
  13. People who post the exact same thing every time they type suck....
  14. Blah, blah, blah.... Steve you post the same stevestojan over and over again. Drew's problems are well documented on this board. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the freaking twilight zone and I'm having deja vu every time I read some of these posts....
  15. I read that too. I see it as a friend defending a friend. Nothing more. I really don't think the Patsies fear Matthews so I don't see it as him lobbying to keep Drew in there.
  16. newborn??
  17. Just let me know where to send the money. I got my tickets for the St Louis game yesterday, thanks Rich, and my son and I can't wait. Hope to see ALL of you there.
  18. What??? No fried bolonga??? Damn, how am I going to treat my son to his first game and NFL Bills experience without fried bologna?? Damn you decision makers in Buffalo, damn you.....
  19. To all of you that are so sure we will beat the Patsies....... Why don't you pick them in the suicide pool???
  20. I'm not even going to reply to this thread. I'm too pissed. But to say it's republican propoganda is absolutely !@#$ing rediculous. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  21. I see your point but mine is this. We sign a contract in the military knowing full well what could happen to us. We fight and are killed in combat type situations which is to be expected. The civilian contractors are non combatant and are trying to help the Iraqi people. Yes, it's a terrible thing that anybody has died but that's going to happen. I have a problem with innocent people being brutally murdered. Sept 11th ring a bell? That's my point. I feel just as badly about my brothers and sisters in arms that have died as well. I've been there and will be going back so don't call me a right wing whacko because I'm frusterated about innocent lives being taken.
  22. We're gearing up to go back on two 7 month rotations so we were shown it as part of the training. It's not fun to watch.
  23. I catch stevestojan all the time for my love of the Bills. I don't care. I'll always love them whether they're winning or not. It seems like no matter who wins or loses every week everybody I work with makes a point of coming to talk stevestojan to me about my team.
  24. Get well soon Rodney...
  25. Wouldn't you say the hell with this and get the fugg out? I have to vent a little so please bear with me. I saw the video of the latest hostage getting beheaded. It makes me sick. It's one thing for us (military) to be there when we are trained to kill and defend ourselves but these civilian contractors that remain I just don't understand. I know they feel like they're doing good for the Iraqi people by helping them but damn..... These civilians are getting their heads cut off with a knife!! Get the fugg out of that God forsaken country! It fuels my anger and makes me wish I was going back tomorrow instead of next year. I wish we would just drop flyers to allow the innocent people to leave and just make the whole damn place a parking lot. Fugg you Iraq and all you little bastards that are killing innocent Americans that are trying to help your people.
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