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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Post of the day in my opinion....
  2. Got it. I guess I should do that more often. Oh well, it's only my work computer anyway.
  3. Ok, since it's my thread I reserve the right to edit my post and I can't believe I forgot Alyssa Milano. I'm replacing Milla J. with Alyssa.
  4. Fergie is freakin hot too. I love the short shorts in the "Hey Mama" video..
  5. I like the blue hat with a white panel idea. I get white hats dirty too fast..
  6. Assuming we were all single and could choose anybody you wanted who would be the top five on your "to do list"? 1. Jennifer Anniston (she was so freaking hot in rock star and a natural beauty) 2. Milla Jovovich (gets naked in almost all her flicks) 3. Angelina Jolie (one word - lips!) 4. Brittney (need I say more?) 5. Halle Berry (see above comment)
  7. I just realized that your avatar is the snowman stevestojaning in ice cream cones!! I laughed my ass off when I saw that cartoon the first time.
  8. Someone get this guy his medication......
  9. I'll join too. Won't be the same without them.
  10. That's one helluva lineup. Don't think I'd change any of that. Good pitching choices too.
  11. Me too but I'm still wondering why a 68 year old woman is climbing a ladder for fruit.
  12. So soon after lunch? Was that really needed?
  13. I was doing an internet search for Bills sites. Been coming here ever since.
  14. It's all Bush's fault.... Didn't frakenKerry tell you?
  15. Madden is an idiot.....
  16. 99 bottles of beer on the wall........... Ooops, my bad...
  17. I think this guy could hit with his eyes closed. He's one helluva ball player.
  18. Drew is that old. The days of the Warren Moon's are over. Life expectancy in the NFL isn't what it used to be.
  19. Yes Drew needs to step up but at the same time he can't catch the passes and block the rushing defenders either. I don't care who you are, you won't do stevestojan with unblocked blitzing NFL defenders.
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