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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. Damn BF. Just wake up? Must have been celebrating that victory last night!!
  2. Night Ranger (You Can Still Rock in America)
  3. Exactly!!
  4. Good thing we have the stevestojan filter!!
  5. Another feel good story from a former professional athlete.
  6. Fortunately he was sound asleep.
  7. I didn't realize this still happens. I went to the gym at 5 A.M. and it was still dark but when I came home to shower, on my street I counted 8 mailboxes smashed. I haven't seen that since I was a kid. At least they didn't get mine but I have to admit that I chuckled a little bit.
  8. Finally some good news...
  9. I'm just messing with you. Until you start getting offensive though.
  10. IF your Aunt had a *ick, she'd be your UNCLE!!!
  11. I never realized how many smart people we had on this board. You'd never know it reading some of the posts....
  12. I voted Eagles. Lynard Skynard was a close second. I love Metallica but they are a metal band in my opinion and don't think they really belong in the greatest rock band of all time category. Just my opinion.
  13. That's the real problem. No more fried baloney in the Ralph....
  14. Metallica kicks ass... especially live.
  15. Buy a CD player...
  16. Lex and Terry are a morning show like a Howard Stern type show. They are freaking hilarious. The football coverage I listen to on Sirius is with the Buffalo radio announcers. They aren't bad. Alex Van Pelt is a little dry but I like the way he breaks down the plays and explains them so that normal people can understand.
  17. I have Sirius and love it. I could care less about HStern. I love the football package though. It's a great network and worth the 12 bucks I pay a month. I don't know if anyone knows the Lex and Terry show from Jacksoville Fl. but their radio show kicks ass. Wish they would get on Sirius.
  18. Let somebody try to take the tickets from my son and I on the 21st of Nov. I DARE them. I have a lot of pent up frusteration right now and I could use an excuse to unleash it.
  19. Who cares? We lost to the probable Cy Young winner this year and the Yankees have lost game one of their last 4 playoff series and won them all. The only series they've lost in the AL playoffs recently was to the Angels and they WON the first game of that one. I for one, am not worried.
  20. Great, as if it's not enough to deal with the Patsie trolls, now we have Jest trolls on here. Don't these people have their own boards? Bills 28 Jest 17
  21. There was a prenup.... It's in the article. She's fine as hell too. Lucky, lucky man.
  22. RIP Rodney. Your humor will be sorely missed. Another one of the comic legends gone to a better place. God Bless.
  23. I know everyone on this board hates John Clayton and for good reason but I just heard him say on ESPN that Ricky will NOT play for the Dolphins again. They hope they retain rights to trade him to "probably Oakland"...
  24. Spoken like a true fan of a team that hasn't done stevestojan before this season in the near past. Enjoy your ride BF because it doesn't last more than a couple more weeks.
  25. I'm with you on that one. Let him play some series but don't throw him to the sacrificial wolf...
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