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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. He's an apparent heroin addict that was in a band.
  2. I can actually record on my time warner Hi Def box but I'm one of those that need to watch right then. I hate watching stuff after the fact. Just a weird thing of mine.
  3. stevestojan !@#$ billsfanone Rosen
  4. I'll bet BF is "behind a lot" too. What does BF stand for anyway?? Sorry, had to do it.....
  5. Why does it have to be a "weird feeling" for the Bills to win? I have a good feeling the Bills will win this week.
  6. I'm with you on both those statements. Of course it sucks having to flip the tv back and forth between that and the Yankees game. It drives my wife nuts but that makes it humerous.
  7. Good point. We've been asking the same questions here.
  8. Actually I can't stand coffee! I guess I just don't like idiot's like this guy being associated with the Bills when they never made it out of training camp. There's enough negativity surrounding this team right now.
  9. The other chick is really hot too. Liked the gratuitous bra and panty shot last week when she was "bathing"....
  10. The High and Dry album kicked major ass too. Photograph brought them into the spotlight and really gave them the popularity they later had.
  11. So were a lot of players. I don't consider them having "played for the Bills" though.
  12. Did you read the article? It said right in it that he was drafted by the Steelers, released before the start of the season and picked up by Oakland playing there for three years.
  13. I wondered how long it was going to take you to defend the Braves. I agree with you. BF has been talking a lot of stevestojan all year. Just like the Yankees. We've done very well to get where we are with the rotation problems we've been having.
  14. I wonder if the fat guy or the guy from Lord of the Rings is going to nail the pregnant chick first.....
  15. Not even close to real. Starr outpasses Kelly?? Hahahaha... Not a good comparison.
  16. Hey, I think he should be playing A LOT more as well but my point was that he could be causing problems in the locker room and he's not. He's a team player and I think that's important.
  17. The link isn't working on TBD but I like the fact that he's being patient and staying away from any and all controvery opportunities. He could easily say he's frusterated and wants the ball but he's supporting Henry and saying that his time will come. Very smart in my opinion.
  18. I was going to go to the AFL reference but figured he'd shoot back with the "that doesn't count" reply....
  19. I'm right there with you. All I have right now are the Yankees. 1. Bills Fan 2. Yankees Fan 3. Sabres Fan 4. Sixers Fan (from the days of Dr. J, Mo Cheeks, D Dawkins, etc...) I don't really watch b-ball anymore either. Things will get better (I HOPE)
  20. Naw, just blow it off today. See if they miss you...
  21. Now why do you have to go there? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  22. 117 yds. 3.1 ypc....
  23. Well IF you win the world series, and IF the Yankees don't make it then I will only acknowledge the fact that Boston DIDN'T win it again!! 1918....
  24. I think they're going too slow with the show. Not a good sign in my opinion. It has great potential but they need to get it moving a little bit. I like it but would just rather see it move along some. Not much from the "creature" last night. The previews made it look like that was going to be an issue next week though. We'll see.
  25. Cheney did well last night. Every time they showed Edwards pompous ass I wanted to kick in the tv. I've lived in NC for 6 yrs this time around and Edwards can't even run this state. He's an ambulance chasing prosecuting attorney and is a smooth talker who can hide behind his ability to speak. How many times last night did he completely blow off the question and not answer it only to get some other stupid meaningless point across?
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