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Everything posted by USMCBillsFan

  1. You guys are always good for a laugh.
  2. I love that stuff. My Grandma used to always have a candy dish full of it for me every week when I'd go by to do my work for her. (shovelling, washing windows, etc...) Such great memories and it's weird how a candy can bring so many back. I miss my Grandma. R.I.P...
  3. That's what makes it so damn fun. Of course when you've won four rings in the present past I guess it makes things a little easier on us Yankee fans.
  4. Sorry to hear about the breakin. I know the material stuff is no big deal but the feeling of being intruded on and having your privacy violated sucks. Glad you enjoyed the game though.
  5. Steve, when did you change your avatar? Is that why my Yanks blew it the last few nights? That's ok. It's more fun to see BF get all bent out of shape from all the raggin he's taking.
  6. What a freaking awesome site. I ordered a case of Chiavetta's and there it was, like a shining light, SPONGE CANDY!!! One of my absolute childhood favorites and I was just talking about this stuff with my wife last week. I love Buffalo...and can't wait to get my order. Thank you to whoever turned me on to this site. I'm sorry I can't remember who it was.
  7. It's a shame because he could've been one of the greatest backs ever. All that talent and just NOTHING between the ears.
  8. Well they were pretty much laughing the whole thing off but it's funny that he even approached the NFL and asked. He thought that if he "retired" that he would be able to come back fresh and that the drug use wouldn't matter. What an idiot.
  9. I'll give you the respect that you deserve. The Sox are doing a great job of hanging in there. They played well the last two nights. I don't see Boston blowing out Leiber though. He's been pitching phenominaly since he came off the DL, especially against the Sox. It's shaping up to be a great series for the history books.
  10. and play this weekend. What an !@#$.... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  11. Why would you want any Bills player to be pounded by Ray Lewis??
  12. I can't get the link to work but on the front page of MSN there's a broadband clip about a chip implant. Personally I wouldn't do this. I don't like the idea of anyone knowing where I am every second of every day. My religious beliefs also are against this. What are your opinions?
  13. Wow. Sounds like you bought a lemon. Just like anything from electronics to cars you sometimes just get a bad one. The customer service problems are inexcusable though. I have had zero problems with mine, (knock on wood) and they should just replace yours without question.
  14. I got a Dell desktop a few months ago and I love it. What's the problem?
  15. Personally I am with the original post on this thread. I went to class last night with the Yankees up 4-2 in the 6th. Came out of class two hours later expecting the game to be over and it was in the 11th inning. Damn, get these things over at a decent time. I'M TIRED DAMNIT!!
  16. It's not Pedro moron. He didn't beat us that's for sure.
  17. You're crazy. It wouldn't be a choke job at all. Way to have confidence in your team. Bandwagon is all I have to say. If Boston comes back and beats NY 4 straight then they deserve it. It won't be a choke job, the Yanks will have lost. Remember, we won the first two in NY and really only needed to take one in Boston. That's still great odds for the Yanks. They just happened to win the first instead of the second or third. Also if that game isn't such a blowout it's not even talked about. All the other games have been so close. We'll see what happens but I think the Yanks clinch it tonight.
  18. Lost boys was awesome. One of the best vampire movies made in my opinion. Blade 3 should be out soon. I'm looking forward to that one.
  19. Is it worth buying? I love vampire movies ( a huge fan of the Blade series) but was deployed when this movie was in theatres. Will it be worth the 20 bucks in anyones opinion. I think Kate Beckensale may be worth that alone!
  20. I don't think the Yankees are at all worried about Schilling. He has to be 100% healthy to beat the Yankees and new shoe or not, he won't be. I think the media is hyping it up too much. Just two days ago he was done for the series and now all of a sudden a new shoe is created just for him and he's all better. Haha...right.
  21. Yeah, I agree they go over the top sometimes but you gotta spruce it up to make it a successful tv show.
  22. That is hilarious....
  23. First, yes it's on the wrong board. Second, are you going to base your vote on some propoganda stevestojan movie by a person who isn't even an American citizen? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: M. Moore you fat, lying bastard.
  24. What's with all the attitude on the Bills this year? It seems like there are a lot of whiners. (Adams, Henry, McGahee, Moulds, Big Mike) just to name a few.
  25. Yeah, I'm with you on that one. They always seem to find the perfect family and build the perfect house. That, in my opinion, is why the show is so good. It's not just building a new house for anyone, it's always for a deserving family. Much better than renovate my family because I can't stand that little puss, Dr. Phils son.
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