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Everything posted by Jukester

  1. It's gonna be a tough series. No home ice advantage this time. Miller will have to play like he did in games 5 and 6 against Philly. Sabres in 7.
  2. Update: Carolina wins in OT. Bring on Ottawa!!
  3. 3...2....1 Man this is a great feeling!!!! Now over to the OT of the Carolina-Montreal game.
  4. Damnit. Missed the goal because OLN decided to go to the Car-Mon game. God only knows this doesn't happen often. Can't they just let me enjoy it without any interruptions
  5. Yes, Whitner was their man. If Huff was available, they would've traded down knowing that Huff would be the first safety taken and Whitner would still be available later on. But since Huff was already taken, they couldn't trade down and take the risk.
  6. Tell me about it. I had to turn the sound down.
  7. All the time
  8. That one's on Miller
  9. Yes, Briere on the 4 on 3 advantage. Tie game!!!
  10. Yeah, they've shown flashes of their game tonight but way too many lackadaisical shifts. They need to go all out in the third.
  11. I'm sorry but Afenigenov needs to spend some time on the bench. Turnover after turnover tonight... a couple resulting in really good scoring chances for the Flyers.
  12. Man, how many breakaways missed tonight. And now a penalty shot.
  13. Ah the good old days - astroturf with the red end zones. Edit - just realized that if you hit the E direction button, the image changes to the current stadium
  14. And we're supposed to take everything that comes out of this guy's mouth as fact?! He's been lying continuously since he's been in the hatch - even after being called out for his original story, he tries to lie again only to be trumped by Sayid's dollar bill with the note on it. Why should we believe the new stuff - just cuz he said "i'm done lying?" But i'm not convinced that he's there accidentally. I think he's there to get info. I mean if the "others" wanted to come get him, don't you think they have the power to do so? Anyway I think this episode served a greater purpose. What's the worst thing we all fear? That at the end of the series this whole thing will be somebody's dream or hallucination. Well, by bringing in this episode now, i think the writers are trying to rassure us that they wouldn't do that to us. It's really amazing how unique this show is. Each week there are some answers but usually more questions/mysteries are created. And of course each week you get more drawn in.
  15. Duke was playing both LSU and Texas?! No wonder they lost.
  16. Man that kid is the poster child for Ritalin. I hope for his sake that it was all an act.
  17. This is amazing. Finally, someone that thinks of the fans instead of lining their pockets. Thanks for the link. Managers/supervisors around the country can't be very happy with this development.
  18. Well, everyone wanted to see a former Bills qb join the coaching staff........
  19. Uh, you have Mularkey staying and then Jauron making the decisions. Unless of course you forgot to mention that you hired Jauron as the DC.
  20. Remember Bobby April came from St. Louis too
  21. From the UB Athletics website: Alex Van Pelt, who comes to UB after a long NFL career with the Buffalo Bills, will coach the Bulls' quarterbacks and serve as passing game coordinator. While it is his first full-time job in college coaching, he served as quarterbacks coach and play caller with the Frankfurt Galaxy of NFL Europe in 2005.
  22. My tv doesn't have a built in HD tuner, so can't pick it up over the air. Has to go through the cable box.
  23. Yeah, I have Charter too and they used to have it included in a separate sports tier. But they completely removed it from their lineup about 2 months ago because they said their wasn't enough interest. I tend to believe your theory, though. Charter is full of crap. To top it all off they don't provide ABC in high def here in St. Louis because of a squabble they have over fees with the local ABC affiliate. As we all know, the Super Bowl is on ABC this year. It's gonna be just wonderful watching the game on my big screen high def tv - in analog. Friggin a-holes.
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