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Everything posted by Jukester

  1. Thank you Astro. You provide a great service. Always look forward to your reports. Have fun with the family.
  2. That makes more sense
  3. I was thinking Ellaria Sand but you may be right. She's no longer needed for the story. Although I don't see Cersei just abandoning her brother/lover completely. He's also key to leading her army.
  4. Epic episode. Chaos is a ladder, arya/brienne, battle from Bronn's pov, dragon hit, flee you idiot/f#* idiot, Guessing Jaime gets fished out as prisoner and becomes negotiating chip for Cersei's prisoners
  5. No spoilers from me. Just fasten your seat belts. I'm looking forward to rewatching in full HD.
  6. Watched the leak last night. Couldn't resist. All I can say is WOW!!!
  7. Thank you. Totally agree.
  8. Schwartz did take a perennially crappy Lions team to the playoffs after a 12 yr drought, is off the Bellichek coaching tree, and more than anything would've kept a successful defensive scheme in place. Nothing guaranteed about whether he would've been successful here but he seemed very detail oriented and the players loved him. My point was that he or an offensive minded HC would've been a better choice than Rex at the time.
  9. My feeling from the time of that hire hasn't changed. Should've promoted Schwartz or brought in an offensive minded head coach and kept Schwartz as DC. It was a no brainer. Ownership/front office over thought it and now they've clearly set the franchise back at least 2 years.
  10. This doesn't surprise me at all. The guy can't keep his mouth shut and has no filter. Never has and never will. Most coaches would move on and not burn bridges, especially when he's still getting paid millions by the guys that fired him. You'd hope he'd have a bit more respect for the players he coached (re "don't wish them luck" comment), but that's hoping for too much from Rex.
  11. Sean McDermott with Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, and Steve Tasker
  12. This story gels with how he described himself in the 'presser' . Like his make up. Hopefully this translates to a more cohesive and disciplined team on the field. But honestly, i can't see how it can be worse than the Rex administration.
  13. While most of this was the usual cliches, i really like this guy's demeanor. He thinks before he speaks, no braggadocio, and seems very methodical. Liked that he said he drills technique. If Gilmore stays, maybe he can teach him to tackle properly instead of throwing his shoulder at people. Oh and i don't think i heard a single 'obviously.' As far as the press, no one asked the only question i needed an answer on: What's your philosophy on 4th down from the opponent's 40?
  14. Yep, it was a complete no brainer if you were hiring a defensive head coach. If they went offensive head coach schwartz would've stayed on as D coordinator. I was so pissed when they brought in Ryan and it turned out to be the complete fiasco I expected. Would love to have him back, but no way that's happening.
  15. That laugh. Infectious. Couple it with the insanity that is the bills....downright ROFL. Much needed. Thanks OP.
  16. Officials are getting worse by the week. In our favor for a change
  17. Tasker after TT td run: "This is why the Bills are such a nightmare" LOL - I can think of a few other reasons.
  18. This is not news. He's the same as he's always been. A backup level guy that people want to believe will turn into a top tier qb. Not gonna happen.
  19. Exactly, takes him forever to throw the ball. After all this time still hasn't learned to throw with anticipation. He had an ok game, but a franchise QB would've pulled this out
  20. Not just knocked down but decked him full blast ...right in front of ref. And Thomas clear illegal contact on woods to get him off his rout. Really just speechless right now.
  21. Thanks OP. Especially loved looking back at the early 80s. The 1981 NE hail mary game was my first ever in stadium nfl game, age 10. Still a strong memory. Talking Proud and Alcoa Fantastic Finishes...brings you right back.
  22. nfl coaches are absolute morons. aj green not on the field for conversion and then let's throw backwards so there's the possibility it could be run back for the winning score.
  23. What the f was Mario doing on that play?
  24. Can you imagine how many calls the refs would get wrong. "After further review the defender's right hand touched the runner and the left pinky finger did graze the jersey before the ball came out. There is no fumble as he is down by contact."
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