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Everything posted by Jukester

  1. Tottenham stadium has two fields, one grass for soccer, and artificial turf for the nfl. No NFL games are played on the grass.
  2. Yes, you can watch on the YouTube app. I did last week while on the road.
  3. Gotcha. Thought you were referencing ST.
  4. Sunday Ticket doesn't show the Monday night games or any other nationally televised games in your area, i.e. Thurs night, Thanksgiving, Saturday games etc...
  5. I do now see the condensed replays are available the day after, but still not able to play the full game from my library saved recordings This is the error I'm seeing Nor can I watch the game with a delayed start on Sundays. This is one of the key features I buy Sunday Ticket for. I have 3 kids with all kinds of activities. It's rare I can watch live, so I record it and catch up later in the day. Has anyone been able to do this on YouTube version of ST?
  6. I am having no luck starting the game on delay or watching it in full after the game is over. I save it to my recordings (watch later) but get the “this event was live streamed and not available for replay” message. How are you accessing the replay? As for starting it late, there is no ability to rewind while the game is live. My experience with the YouTube version of ST has been abysmal.
  7. Thanks OP for starting this thread. I also remember thinking the same thing on the plays being referenced above. Granted, there are players getting micro concussed on pretty much every play. But the look on Allen’s face on these were fairly indicative that he was getting his bell rung pretty good. It also might explain his quickness to bail on the pocket time and again. Whether it led directly to the interceptions is questionable but it may have contributed to his lack of patience. Definitely something to keep an eye on.
  8. I’m beginning to think he’ll never change. Lots of lip service, then same actions on the field. Quotes from him in April: “I’ve never been as focused or locked in on football as I am right now. There’s a lot of times last year, just looking back at film, that I was careless with the football, careless with my body and at the end of the day, availability is the best ability. I know this sounds crazy but I’m getting older. I can’t continue to do this. Over the course of my career I’m going to have to learn to adapt and change. I want to be the smartest quarterback with the football in my hands. I don’t want to put the ball in harm’s way because I know how detrimental that is for a team with those interceptions and the fumbles.”
  9. After all the lip service of the off-season about him being smarter this year, Allen played like he was drunk last night. Just brainless stuff - bailing on pockets early, not running out of bounds, diving for first downs 7 yards away, fumbling twice on the same play, inaccurate passes. Might’ve been his worst game as a Bill. Somebody needs to sit his ass down and get him straightened out.
  10. Ok time to take over! Last year against Rams 10-10 at half, won 31-10
  11. Exactly what I did.
  12. Love this. When I hear that voice, it instantly brings me back to my youth. He always wanted the Bills-Niners matchup in the Suler Bowl. Could this be the year?
  13. He’s a total Richard
  14. Yes, and it was 2 distinct infractions - 1. Lined up wrong with reference to the center (illegal formation). 2. Moving before the snap of the ball (false start) . It really is crazy when all football fans around the world, announcers, and rules expert all see it and the idiots at the nfl offices don’t take action. What happened to the nfl eye in the sky guy at NY who is known to send in game instructions to the officials.
  15. Not over yet. Lions need to close
  16. Why catch the ball at the 1 on a punt 🤦‍♂️
  17. I use Overcast and it lets you download their on demand content.
  18. I agree partly on the happy feet but he definitely is not sliding up in the pocket like he should be. Seems like that should be muscle memory at this point in his career and it’s concerning. Marino gave a great example of Dawkins pushing the end up field on a speed rush, Allen had a good pocket but instead of climbing into it he went laterally into the rusher. I know exactly which play he’s referring to and he’s spot on. Chalking it up to preseason rust and maybe lack of trust in his o-lime but we’ll see.
  19. Yep as much as he is our savior, he does need to start playing with more composure. This video is telling.
  20. Stats and rankings have completely gotten out of hand. How/why they are measuring receiver abdominal strength is beyond me. 😉
  21. What?! Nooo!! THE best ever. I listened to him starting in the early eighties. I will miss him. RIP Rick..you will not be forgotten.
  22. For those that were waiting for the IDR forgiveness and received their letter of qualification in July, the discharges officially started happening this past Monday. My wife’s student loan balance now shows 0.
  23. So a bunch of coddled young nfl players can’t handle a hard nosed coach who sets a high bar and rides their soft asses. Got it.
  24. I was at the game as a 17 yr old when they clinched the division against the Jets and on the field when we brought the goal posts down. Great memory!
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